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Pathogenicity of Sirococcus tsugae on major coniferous tree species of Belgian forest
Forest Pathology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-17 , DOI: 10.1111/efp.12689
Salvatore Pirronitto 1 , Adrien Charlier 2 , Hugues Claessens 1 , Sophie Schmitz 2

To evaluate the potential impact of Sirococcus tsugae on Belgian coniferous forest, a pathogenicity test was conducted through wound inoculation of two-year-old seedlings of different tree species. Picea abies, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus sylvestris, Larix x eurolepsis as well as Tsuga heterophylla and Cedrus atlantica were inoculated with an isolate of S. tsugae collected from the only known infected site in Belgium. The tested strain proved to be highly pathogenic towards seedlings not only of two known host species of the disease (Theterophylla and Catlantica) but also of L. x eurolepsis. This result highlights the risk that a possible emergence of Stsugae might represent for some important forest tree species, including species currently not known as hosts of the disease. However, as the two main coniferous tree species in Belgium (Pabies and Psylvestris) did not appear sensitive to Stsugae, the potential impact of the pathogen on the Belgian forest is limited.



为了评估的潜在影响Sirococcus 松杉在比利时的针叶林,致病性试验通过两个岁的苗不同树种的伤口接种进行。云杉 云杉黄杉 花旗松 樟子松落叶松 X eurolepsis以及铁杉 太子参雪松 大西洋用的分离物接种小号杉江从比利时唯一已知的感染地点收集。所测试的菌株被证明是朝不仅疾病(的两个已知宿主物种苗高致病性Ť。 太子参Ç。 大西洋),而且还的大号x 败血症。这一结果凸显了S可能出现的风险。 tsugae可能代表一些重要的森林树种,包括目前不知道是该病宿主的物种。然而,作为比利时的两种主要针叶树种(PabiesPsylvestris) 似乎对S不敏感。 tsugae,病原体对比利时森林的潜在影响是有限的。