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Effects of large-scale forest fire followed by illegal logging on the regeneration of boreal forests in Mongolia
Landscape and Ecological Engineering ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s11355-021-00457-8
Keiji Sakamoto , Misaki Tomonari , Uyanga Ariya , Erika Nakagiri , Tetsuya K. Matsumoto , Yasuaki Akaji , Takashi Otoda , Muneto Hirobe , Baatarbileg Nachin

We aimed to test the hypothesis that large-scale forest fire followed by illegal logging inhibits the regeneration of boreal forests in Mongolia. For this purpose, we compared regeneration of the forest between five stands in a large-scale post-fire site, i.e., (1) undisturbed stand in the unburnt and remaining forest, (2) stand disturbed by illegal logging in the unburnt and remaining forest, (3) stand disturbed by forest fire, (4) stand disturbed by forest fire followed by illegal logging and located in proximity to the remaining forest, which acts as a seed source, and (5) stand disturbed by forest fire followed by illegal logging and located far from the remaining forest, which acts as a seed source. The stand disturbed by logging showed similar species composition of regenerated individuals as the undisturbed stand. In the stand disturbed by logging, Picea obovata and Pinus sibirica were abundant because of advance regeneration on the intact forest floor. In the stand disturbed by forest fire and that disturbed by forest fire followed by illegal logging, Larix sibirica and Betula platyphylla were abundant, and the regenerated individuals of these two species were new individuals after the disturbances. L. sibirica was abundant in the stand disturbed by forest fire because the mother trees survived the forest fire because of their thick bark. B. platyphylla was abundant in the stand disturbed by forest fire followed by illegal logging because the mother trees of L. sibirica were logged and the seeds of B. platyphylla are able to disperse further than that of L. sibirica. However, in the stand disturbed by forest fire followed by illegal logging that was located far from the remaining forest, the regeneration was much reduced because only few seeds, including that of B. platyphylla, were dispersed into this stand and sprouts of B. platyphylla were damaged by the logging operation. In addition, the regeneration of L. sibirica and B. platyphylla was likely to have been reduced for several years after the forest fire because of the loss of safe sites for their invasion by the changes of the forest floor conditions. Therefore, it is likely that large-scale forest fires that are followed by illegal logging inhibit the regeneration in many parts of the post-fire site and those parts will change into open forests of B. platyphylla or grassland.



我们的目的是检验以下假设:蒙古大规模森林火灾和非法采伐会抑制北方北方森林的再生。为此,我们比较了大型火灾后站点中五个林分之间森林的再生情况,。,(1)在未燃烧和剩余森林中的原木林;(2)在未燃烧和剩余森林中的林木非法采伐所扰乱的林木;(3)受森林火灾扰乱的林地;(4)在森林火灾之后非法采伐所扰乱的林木(5)受森林大火干扰,随后被非法砍伐,并且远离作为种子源的剩余森林。受伐木干扰的林分表明,再生个体的物种组成与未受干扰的林分相似。在被伐木,云杉云杉西伯利亚松困扰的架子上丰富的是因为完整林地的提前再生。在受林火和林火干扰后再进行非法采伐的林分中,落叶松和西桦(Betula platyphylla)丰富,这两个物种的再生个体是受干扰后的新个体。西伯利亚L. sibirica在林火困扰的林分中盛产,因为母树由于树皮厚而幸免于森林大火。由于林木西伯利亚落叶松的原木被砍伐并且白桦的种子能够比木薯更分散,因此在森林火灾和随后的非法采伐的干扰下,白杨B. y丰富。西伯利亚乳杆菌。然而,在林火扰乱的林分中,远离远离剩余森林的非法伐木的林分中,由于只有很少的种子,包括白桦的种子散布到该林分中,而白桦的芽苗,再生却大大减少了被记录操作损坏。此外,西伯利亚乳杆菌白桦在森林大火发生后的数年里,由于森林地势条件的改变,失去了安全的入侵地点,很可能已经减少了。因此,大规模的森林大火以及非法伐木很可能会在火灾后的许多地方抑制再生,而这些地方将变成白桦或草原的开阔森林。
