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Influence of oceanography on bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) foraging in the Chukchi Sea as inferred from animal-borne instrumentation
Continental Shelf Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104434
J.J. Citta , J. Olnes , S.R. Okkonen , L. Quakenbush , J.C. George , Wieslaw Maslowski , R. Osinski , M.P. Heide-Jørgensen

The distribution of the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Sea population of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) is largely centered in the Chukchi Sea in autumn (September–November), which is also when sea ice is at minimum extent allowing for increased ship traffic and industrial activity. Prior work paired autumn movements of bowhead whales in the Chukchi Sea with simulated hydrographic information and concluded whales followed relatively cold, saline waters of Pacific origin during migration (<0 °C, 31.5–34.25 psμ). We attached six Satellite Relay Data Logger (SRDLs) that included miniaturized Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) sensors capable of collecting temperature (T) and salinity (S) profiles as whales dove, allowing us to verify and expand upon prior habitat studies. Areas where transiting whales stopped and lingered (presumably to feed) were associated with colder surface temperatures and lingering behavior peaked where seafloor salinity was ∼33 psμ. Whales were also more likely to linger in areas where density gradients were lower at the seafloor. Whales targeted colder, more saline waters of Pacific origin, in agreement with our prior work. Surface and dive behavior of whales tagged in this and other studies suggests that most feeding in the central Chukchi Sea is occurring at depths below the surface, and that surface temperature is indicative of (a proxy for) other processes occurring at depth. We suggest that colder surface temperatures are indicative of the main pathway(s) by which zooplankton are advected through the Chukchi Sea. However, because similar movement patterns in other stocks of bowhead whales have been interpreted as the avoidance of thermal stress, we suggest more research is needed on thermoregulation before this question can be resolved.



弓头鲸的白令海,楚科奇海,波弗特海人口分布(Balaena mysticetus)主要集中在秋季(9月至11月)的楚科奇海,也正是在此期间,海冰处于最小程度,因此增加了船舶运输量和工业活动。先前的工作将楚科奇海的弓头鲸的秋季运动与模拟的水文信息配对,得出结论,鲸在迁移过程中遵循太平洋起源的相对较冷的咸水(<0°C,31.5–34.25psμ)。我们附加了六个卫星中继数据记录器(SRDL),其中包括小型化的电导率,温度和深度(CTD)传感器,能够像鲸豚一样收集温度(T)和盐度(S)数据,从而使我们能够验证和扩展先前的栖息地研究。过境鲸停止和徘徊(大概是进食)的地区与较冷的表面温度有关,在海底盐度约为33psμ时,徘徊行为达到顶峰。在海底密度梯度较低的地区,鲸鱼也更容易流连。与我们先前的工作相一致,鲸鱼的目标是太平洋产地的冷水,咸水较多。在这项研究和其他研究中标记的鲸鱼的表面和潜水行为表明,楚科奇海中部的大多数觅食都发生在海面以下的深度,而海面温度指示(发生时)在该深度的其他过程。我们建议,较低的表面温度指示浮游动物通过楚科奇海平流的主要途径。然而,
