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Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Cooperative Edge Caching for Ultra-Dense Next-Generation Networks
IEEE Transactions on Communications ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1109/tcomm.2020.3044298
Shuangwu Chen 1 , Zhen Yao 1 , Xiaofeng Jiang 1 , Jian Yang 1 , Lajos Hanzo 2

The soaring mobile data traffic demands have spawned the innovative concept of mobile edge caching in ultra-dense next-generation networks, which mitigates their heavy traffic burden. We conceive cooperative content sharing between base stations (BSs) for improving the exploitation of the limited storage of a single edge cache. We formulate the cooperative caching problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) based multi-agent decision problem, which jointly optimizes the costs of fetching contents from the local BS, from the nearby BSs and from the remote servers. To solve this problem, we devise a multi-agent actor-critic framework, where a communication module is introduced to extract and share the variability of the actions and observations of all BSs. To beneficially exploit the spatio-temporal differences of the content popularity, we harness a variational recurrent neural network (VRNN) for estimating the time-variant popularity distribution in each BS. Based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning, we conceive a cooperative edge caching algorithm where the BSs operate cooperatively, since the distributed decision making of each agent depends on both the local and the global states. Our experiments conducted within a large scale cellular network having numerous BSs reveal that the proposed algorithm relying on the collaboration of BSs substantially improves the benefits of edge caches.


