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Holistically valuing public investments in agricultural water conservation
Agricultural Water Management ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.106900
Aaron M. Shew , Lawton L. Nalley , Alvaro Durand-Morat , Kylie Meredith , Ranjan Parajuli , Greg Thoma , Christopher G. Henry

Multiple Inlet Rice Irrigation (MIRI) reduces water use and production costs for Arkansas rice producers. While the water savings from MIRI have been analyzed experimentally, the overall holistic benefits of MIRI rice have yet to be quantified compared to cascade flooded rice. As such, this study evaluates the economic and environmental benefits of MIRI resulting from publicly funded research, in this case the Rice Checkoff, to continue improvements in agricultural sustainability. MIRI acreage associated with public funding from the Rice Checkoff for 2002–2018 were identified by county using producer surveys. Based on MIRI acreage, we estimate cost savings, the future value of water conserved, and reductions in environmental impacts comparing cascade and MIRI rice irrigation. Cost savings range from a low of $138,230 in 2002 to a high of $825,535 in 2008, with a total of $8,655,687 for all years. We estimated the total in situ value of conserved water from MIRI adoption associated with the Rice Checkoff to be $11,133,069. If future funding decisions for MIRI were only made based on cost savings it would underestimate the average total yearly benefits by 128%. Additionally, a Life Cycle Assessment was used to compare single score ecosystem impacts for cascade versus MIRI flooded rice based on 1 kg of rice produced. The single score, calculated as the externalized environmental cost for producing one kg of rice using cascade versus MIRI-flooded rice was estimated at $0.4066 and $0.3814, respectively; a reduction of $0.0252 per kg of MIRI-produced rice. Finally, a benefit-cost ratio of 79:1 was calculated after accounting for savings, in situ value, and reduced environmental impacts provided by MIRI adoption due to the Rice Checkoff. This study provides stakeholders a holistic picture of the economic impacts and environmental benefits provided by water conservation funded projects such as MIRI in Arkansas.



多入口水稻灌溉(MIRI)减少了阿肯色州水稻生产者的用水量和生产成本。尽管已通过实验分析了MIRI的节水情况,但与级联淹没稻米相比,MIRI稻米的总体整体效益尚待量化。因此,本研究评估了由公共资助的研究(在本例中为Rice Checkoff)产生的MIRI的经济和环境效益,以继续改善农业的可持续性。县使用生产者调查确定了2002-2018年水稻核对与公共资金相关的MIRI种植面积。根据MIRI种植面积,我们与梯田灌溉和MIRI水稻灌溉相比,可以估算出节省的成本,节水的未来价值以及对环境的影响。成本节省的范围从2002年的最低138,230美元到最高的825美元,2008年为535个,所有年份的总金额为8,655,687美元。我们估计,采用MIRI与Rice Checkoff相关联的节约用水的原地总价值为$ 11,133,069。如果MIRI的未来资金决策仅基于节省成本做出,则将低估年均总收益128%。此外,使用生命周期评估来比较基于1公斤大米生产的级联和MIRI淹水大米的单分生态系统影响。单一得分,分别是用级联水和MIRI水稻生产一公斤大米的外部环境成本计算得出,分别为0.4066美元和0.3814美元;每公斤MIRI生产的大米减少了0.0252美元。最后,在计入节省,原位价值,并通过水稻核对减少了MIRI的采用对环境的影响。这项研究为利益相关者提供了由水资源保护项目(如阿肯色州MIRI)提供的经济影响和环境效益的整体视图。
