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Child-to-Parent Aggression and Dating Violence: Longitudinal Associations and the Predictive Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas
Journal of Family Violence ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10896-021-00269-2
Liria Fernández-González , Izaskun Orue , Lohitzune Adrián , Esther Calvete

Violent family relationships exhibit different forms that tend to co-occur and perpetuate over time. Research that leads to a better understanding of the concurrence of adolescent perpetration of child-to-parent violence [CPV] and dating violence [DV] is necessary for the development and improvement of interventions. Thus, this three-year longitudinal study seeks to fill a gap in the literature by exploring the mutual influence of CPV and DV throughout adolescence, as well as the predictive role of potential common and modifiable cognitive risk factors. Participants were 673 high school students (54% girls; mean age 14.33 years, SD = 0.88) from Bizkaia (Spain), who completed self-report measures about CPV and DV perpetration, and the early maladaptive schemas of mistrust, grandiosity, and insufficient self-control at three time points with a one-year interval between them. Path analysis showed that CPV and DV were cross-sectionally and longitudinally associated. Moreover, DV at T2 mediated the longitudinal association between CPV at T1 and T2. Regarding the predictive role of early maladaptive schemas, the mistrust schema predicted an increase of DV perpetration at T2 and T3, whereas the grandiosity and insufficient self-control schemas predicted an increase of CPV at T2. Adolescents’ perpetration of violence towards parents and dating partners tends to co-occur, influencing each other throughout adolescence. Early maladaptive schemas play a relevant role in the explanation of these two forms of family and intimate violence, although intervention and prevention programs should consider those schemas that have shown greater influence on each type of violence.



暴力的家庭关系表现出不同的形式,这些形式会随着时间的流逝而同时发生并永久存在。开展研究以更好地理解儿童对父母暴力[CPV]和约会暴力[DV]的青少年犯罪的并发性对于开发和改善干预措施是必要的。因此,这项为期三年的纵向研究试图通过探讨CPV和DV在整个青春期的相互影响以及潜在的常见和可改变的认知危险因素的预测作用来填补文献中的空白。参加者为673名高中生(54%的女孩;平均年龄14.33岁,SD = 0.88),来自Bizkaia(西班牙),他完成了有关CPV和DV犯罪行为的自我报告措施,以及在三个时间点(间隔为一年)上的不信任感,雄心壮志和自我控制不足的早期不良适应方案。路径分析表明,CPV和DV在横截面和纵向上均相关。此外,T2的DV介导了T1和T2的CPV之间的纵向关联。关于早期适应不良模式的预测作用,不信任模式预测T2和T3的DV行为增加,而雄心勃勃和自我控制模式不足则预测T2的CPV增加。青少年倾向于对父母和约会对象施暴,这在整个青春期相互影响。
