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Barriers to trade post‐Brexit
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3501_17.x

Nick Allen of the British Meat Processors Association highlights some of the problems facing UK meat processors following the UK's departure from the EU.

In a letter to Secretary of State George Eustice in December 2020, CEOs of some of the largest beef, lamb, pork and chicken processors in the UK sent a stark warning that the new customs certification process would inflict damage to exporters of these products regardless of whether or not the UK secured a trade deal with the EU.

The group warned that the ‘new world’ from 1st January was looking bleak, with British firms being put at a severe competitive disadvantage due to the new requirement to complete an Export Health Certificate (EHC) for every single delivery of animal origin product to the EU.

Two months into the new regime these predictions are proving to be accurate. Whilst delays are improving as people overcome the bureaucracy and find better ways to cope with the system, each load costs more to deliver and that makes UK meat less competitive in the European market.



英国肉类加工者协会的尼克·艾伦(Nick Allen)着重指出了英国退出欧盟后英国肉类加工者面临的一些问题

在2020年12月给国务卿乔治·尤斯蒂斯(George Eustice)的信中,英国一些最大的牛肉,羊肉,猪肉和鸡肉加工商的首席执行官发出了严厉的警告,新的海关认证程序将对这些产品的出口商造成损害,无论英国是否与欧盟达成贸易协议。


