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Supporting Those Holding the Thin Blue Line: Using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Law Enforcement Families
Contemporary Family Therapy ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10591-021-09575-9
Grant Pooley , Brie Turns

Law enforcement officers have one of the most dangerous and demanding careers in the United States (Price in JAMA 35:113–123, 2017). Challenges such as shiftwork, hypervigilance, and anti-police rhetoric can lead to burnout and trauma responses (e.g. Neylan et al., in JAMA 27:1493–1508, 2010). These stressful trials do not only impact the officer, but also their spouses and families (e.g. Alexander & Walker in JAMA 10:131–138 1994; as reported by Bibbins (in:Resse (ed) Psychological Services for Law Enforcement, US Government Printing Office, 1986). Unfortunately, there are minimal suggestions for use of a systemic psychotherapy approach involving the entire family. This article discusses challenges officers and their families frequently face and proposes the use of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for law enforcement families. This article also provides suggestions for altering interventions to increase sensitivity for families and an example dialogue.



执法人员是美国最危险和要求最高的职业之一(2017年JAMA 35:113-123价格)。诸如轮班工作,过度警惕和反警的言论等挑战可能导致倦怠和创伤反应(例如Neylan等人,In JAMA 27:1493-1508,2010)。这些压力巨大的审判不仅会影响军官,还会影响其配偶和家人(例如,JAMA 10中的Alexander&Walker:1994年至131-138年;如Bibbins(在:Resse(ed)的《心理心理服务》,美国政府印刷)中报道的那样)。 Office,1986)。不幸的是,对于涉及整个家庭的系统性心理治疗方法的建议很少,本文讨论了官员及其家人经常面临的挑战,并提出了针对执法家庭的以解决方案为重点的简短治疗方法。
