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L’Organe des Anciens? Retour sur les rééditions des Caractères de La Bruyère
French Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-07 , DOI: 10.1093/fs/knaa210
Christophe Schuwey 1

This article challenges fundamental assumptions about Jean de La Bruyère’s Les Caractères and the eight reissues of the work that were published in just six years — a unique case in canonical French literature. Contrary to critical refrains since the mid-nineteenth century, these editions should not be considered as drafts that preceded a definitive version. Following early modern editorial practices, the reissues are better understood within a concept of periodicity: Les Caractères functioned as a media platform that allowed La Bruyère to compete with the Mercure galant (the fashionable official media outlet of Louis XIV’s reign) to intervene in topical debates and secure election to the Académie française. Throughout the editions, he subtly re-oriented his positioning and moulded his work into a literary monument. Behind its venerable philosophical tone, Les Caractères reveals itself to be a dynamic book, tightly linked to contemporary issues and elaborated from sophisticated media strategies, as well as a textbook case in the historiography of French studies.


L'Organe des Anciens?RETOUR河畔莱rééditions德CARACTERES德拉布鲁耶尔

本文挑战了关于让·德拉布鲁耶尔( Jean de LaBruyère)的《 LesCaractères》的基本假设以及在短短六年内出版的八部作品的再版-这是法国经典文学中的一个独特案例。与自19世纪中叶以来的严格限制相反,这些版本不应视为确定版本之前的草案。遵循早期的现代编辑实践,重新发行在周期性的概念中得到了更好的理解:LesCaractères充当了媒体平台,使LaBruyère可以与Mercure galant竞争(时尚的官方媒体出口路易十四统治时期)的外用辩论和安全当选为法兰西学院进行干预。在整个版本中,他巧妙地重新定位了自己的定位,并将他的作品塑造成一个文学纪念碑。《LesCaractères》在其古老的哲学语调背后,展现出自己是一本充满活力的书,与当代问题紧密联系,并通过复杂的媒体策略加以阐述,以及法国研究史学中的一本教科书案例。