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Dialogic Feminist Gathering and the prevention of gender violence in girls with intellectual disabilities.
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.662241
Roseli Rodrigues de Mello 1 , Marta Soler-Gallart 2 , Fabiana Marini Braga 1 , Laura Natividad-Sancho 3

Adolescent gender-based violence prevention and sexuality education is a topic of current concern given the increasing numbers of violence directed at girls. It is known that almost one in three girls aged 15-19 years has experienced gender-based violence in their sexual relationships (WHO, 2018). According to a World Bank report (2019), this risk could reach three to four times higher for girls with disabilities. Following the good results obtained in the research project "Free_Teen_Desire" led by the University of Cambridge and funded by the Marie Curie Actions Program in the prevention of gender violence in adolescents through Dialogic Feminist Gatherings (DFG), the aim of the study is to analyze its transfer and impact on adolescent girls with intellectual disabilities. The Dialogic Feminist Gatherings are here understood as generators of a more dialogic environment for girls in general and we wonder if and how it is extended to the context of girls with disabilities. Thus, the research takes the form of a case study with a communicative approach on a Dialogic Feminist Gatherings (DFG). The intervention is carried out in a special school located in Valencia during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years with a group of 19 non-mixed female students, female teachers, and the mother of one of the students. The study analyzes which are the transfer criteria to incorporate the DFGs in a special education context and what is their impact on the prevention of gender violence in girls with disabilities. The data collection techniques consist of two in-depth interviews, analysis of the field diary of twenty-four intervention sessions, and a focus group with seven teachers. It is demonstrated that Dialogic Feminist Gatherings are successfully transferred to the special education context of the case study. The results show how contexts of safety, solidarity, and friendship are generated which protect adolescent girls with disabilities from relationships with gender violence.



鉴于针对女童的暴力行为日益增多,青少年性别暴力预防和性教育成为当前关注的话题。众所周知,近三分之一的 15-19 岁女孩在性关系中经历过性别暴力(世界卫生组织,2018)。根据世界银行报告(2019 年),残疾女孩的这种风险可能会高出三到四倍。继剑桥大学领导、居里夫人行动计划资助的研究项目“Free_Teen_Desire”在通过对话女权主义聚会(DFG)预防青少年性别暴力方面取得良好成果后,本研究的目的是分析它的转移及其对智力障碍少女的影响。对话女权主义聚会在这里被理解为为一般女孩创造一个更具对话性的环境,我们想知道它是否以及如何扩展到残疾女孩的环境中。因此,本研究采用案例研究的形式,采用对话女权主义聚会(DFG)的交流方法。此次干预是在 2018-2019 学年和 2019-2020 学年在巴伦西亚的一所特殊学校进行的,参与者包括 19 名非混血女学生、女教师以及其中一名学生的母亲。该研究分析了将 DFG 纳入特殊教育背景的转移标准,以及它们对预防残疾女孩性别暴力的影响。数据收集技术包括两次深度访谈、二十四次干预会议的现场日记分析以及由七名教师组成的焦点小组。事实证明,对话女权主义聚会成功地转移到了案例研究的特殊教育背景中。结果显示了安全、团结和友谊的环境是如何产生的,从而保护残疾少女免受性别暴力的影响。