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The Color Line in Southeastern Europe: A Du Boisian Analysis of the Yugoslav Region
Social Problems ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1093/socpro/spaa071
Jeremy Kuperberg 1

Sociologists apply the theory and methods of W.E.B. Du Bois to cases of widely-understood racial difference, often using the historical black-white divide of the United States as a default case. As a result, there is a dearth of Du Boisian analysis of phenomena that are primarily conceptualized using non-racial categories such as nation, ethnicity, or class. However, Du Bois's theories and the racialized structures they address are global in scope. This article uses Du Boisian theory to examine identity discourse surrounding the Yugoslav region, an ostensibly white space at the blurred border of Europe and historical empire. This article places Du Bois in conversation with critical Balkan scholarship to reveal the ways in which South Slavic populations experience unique versions of racialized double consciousness, despite assumptions of whiteness. This framing illuminates the presence of race and empire otherwise obscured in discussions of historical conflict. We can better understand the relevance of a global Du Boisian project if we reject the assumption that processes of racialization map neatly onto bounded populations or geographic spaces.



社会学家将WEB Du Bois的理论和方法应用于种族差异广为人知的案件,通常将美国历史上的黑白鸿沟作为默认案件。结果,缺乏杜布瓦主义对现象的分析,这些现象主要是使用诸如民族,种族或阶级之类的非种族类别来概念化的。但是,杜波依斯(Du Bois)的理论及其提出的种族结构在全球范围内。本文使用杜波依斯理论研究南斯拉夫地区周围的身份话语。南斯拉夫地区在欧洲和历史帝国的模糊边界上表面上是一片空白。本文让杜波依斯(Du Bois)与巴尔干的重要奖学金进行了对话,以揭示南斯拉夫人如何体验种族双重意识的独特版本,尽管有白度的假设。这个框架阐明了种族和帝国的存在,而这些种族和帝国在历史冲突的讨论中被模糊了。如果我们拒绝种族化过程巧妙地映射到有限的人口或地理空间上的假设,那么我们可以更好地理解全球杜波依斯项目的相关性。