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Ontogenetic shifts in home range size of a top predatory reef-associated fish (Caranx ignobilis): implications for conservation
Marine Ecology Progress Series ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.3354/meps13654
R Daly 1, 2 , JD Filmalter 2 , LR Peel 3, 4, 5 , BQ Mann 1 , JSE Lea 6, 7 , CR Clarke 8 , PD Cowley 2, 9

ABSTRACT: Defining the home range of vulnerable species is critical for designing effective spatial management strategies. However, animal home ranges often change with ontogeny, and quantifying the associated temporal and spatial changes is particularly challenging for mobile marine species. Here, we investigated how the space use of a top predatory reef-associated fish (giant trevally Caranx ignobilis) scales with body size. Fish were tagged with acoustic transmitters and passively tracked for >3 yr at a tropical island and atoll in the Republic of Seychelles. A sheltered atoll environment was critical for juvenile fish (<60 cm fork length, FL) that exhibited a shift in home range location and area as they matured into adults. Small (60-100 cm FL) and large (>100 cm FL) adult fish appeared to favour shallow coral reefs and associated reef drop offs whilst sharing a similar core home range location. Large adult fish utilized a greater diversity of habitat types and had significantly (p < 0.05) greater annual dispersal distances (mean = 35.29 km, max = 91.32 km) than small adults (mean = 13.72 km, max = 21.55 km). Additionally, the home range of large adults (mean = 209.74 km2) was significantly (p < 0.05) larger than that of juveniles (mean = 38.73 km2) and small adults (77.32 km2) and there was a significant (p = 0.02) relationship between fish length and home range size. Furthermore, tagged fish took up to 34 mo (mean = 18.54 mo) to utilize the full extent of their home range. The habitat shift and expansion in home range size throughout ontogeny should be taken into account when designing effective spatial management plans for C. ignobilis.


顶级掠夺性珊瑚礁相关鱼类(Caranx ignobilis)的家域大小的个体发生变化:对保护的影响

摘要:定义脆弱物种的家园范围对于设计有效的空间管理策略至关重要。但是,动物的居所范围经常随个体发生而变化,而对相关的时空变化进行量化对于移动海洋物种而言尤其具有挑战性。在这里,我们调查了与顶级掠夺性珊瑚礁相关的鱼类(巨型ev螨Caranx ignobilis)的空间利用情况。)与身体大小成比例。在塞舌尔共和国的一个热带岛屿和环礁上,用声发射器给鱼贴上标签,并对其进行长达3年的被动跟踪。一个有环礁的环礁环境对于幼鱼(<60 cm叉长,FL)至关重要,随着它们成年,幼鱼的家境位置和面积会发生变化。小型(60-100厘米佛罗里达州)和大型(> 100厘米佛罗里达州)成鱼似乎偏爱浅珊瑚礁和相关的礁石掉落物,同时拥有相似的核心家境位置。大型成年鱼利用栖息地类型的多样性更大,并且年均扩散距离(平均= 35.29 km,最大= 91.32 km)比小型成年鱼(平均= 13.72 km,最大= 21.55 km)大得多(p <0.05)。此外,大型成年人的住所范围(平均= 209.74 km 2)显着(p <0.05)比幼鱼(平均= 38.73 km 2)和成年小成年(77.32 km 2)大,并且鱼的长度和繁殖范围之间存在显着的(p = 0.02)关系。此外,带标签的鱼需要花费34个月(平均= 18.54个月)才能充分利用其家园范围。在设计有效的无隐线虫空间管理计划时,应考虑到整个个体发育中栖息地的转移和范围的扩大。