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Redescription of Emplectonema viride – a ubiquitous intertidal hoplonemertean found along the West Coast of North America
ZooKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1031.59361
Cecili B Mendes 1, 2 , Paul Delaney 3 , James M Turbeville 3 , Terra Hiebert 4 , Svetlana Maslakova 2

Emplectonema viride Stimpson, 1857, a barnacle predator, is one of the most common and conspicuous intertidal nemerteans found along the West Coast of North America from Alaska to California, but it is currently referred to by the wrong name. Briefly described without designation of type material or illustrations, the species was synonymized with the Atlantic look-alike, Emplectonema gracile (Johnston, 1837) by Coe. Here we present morphological and molecular evidence that E. viride is distinct from E. gracile. The two species exhibit differences in color of live specimens and egg size and are clearly differentiated with species delimitation analyses based on sequences of the partial regions of the 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I genes. In order to improve nomenclatural stability, we re-describe E. viride based on specimens from the southern coast of Oregon and discuss which species should be the type species of the genus. Emplectonema viride was one of the two species originally included in the genus Emplectonema Stimpson, 1857, but subsequent synonymization of E. viride with E. gracile resulted in acceptance of the Atlantic species, E. gracile, as the type species of the genus. We resurrect E. viride Stimpson, 1857 and following Corrêa’s designation, this should be the type species of the genus Emplectonema.


Emplectonema viride 的重新描述——一种在北美西海岸发现的普遍存在的潮间带 hoplonemertean

Emplectonema viride Stimpson, 1857,一种藤壶捕食者,是在从阿拉斯加到加利福尼亚的北美西海岸发现的最常见和最显眼的潮间带纽虫之一,但目前它的名称是错误的。在没有指定类型材料或插图的情况下进行了简要描述,该物种被 Coe 与大西洋相似的 Emplectonema gracile (Johnston, 1837) 同义。在这里,我们提供了形态学和分子证据,证明绿色桉与细细桉不同。这两个物种在活体标本的颜色和卵大小方面表现出差异,并且通过基于16S rRNA和细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I基因的部分区域序列的物种定界分析清楚地区分。为了提高命名的稳定性,我们根据俄勒冈州南部海岸的标本重新描述了E. viride,并讨论了哪些物种应该是该属的模式种。 Emplectonema viride 是 Emplectonema Stimpson 属中最初包含的两个物种之一,1857 年,但后来 Emplectonema viride 与 E. gracile 同义,导致大西洋物种 E. gracile 被接受为该属的模式种。我们于 1857 年复活了 E. viride Stimpson,根据 Corrêa 的命名,这应该是 Emplectonema 属的模式种。