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Survival of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of crops
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-021-02232-9
Daniele M. Nascimento , Letícia R. Oliveira , Luana L. Melo , João C. Silva , José M. Soman , Marcos R. Ribeiro-Junior , Maria M. P. Sartori , Tadeu A. F. Silva Júnior , Antonio C. Maringoni

Knowledge of the ecological survival niches of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (Cff), the causal agent of bean bacterial wilt, is essential for the efficient disease management. Our study evaluated the survival of Cff in the phyllospheres and rhizospheres of barley, black oat, canola, common bean, forage turnip, maize, pearl millet, ryegrass, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, velvet bean, wheat and white oat planted in a greenhouse. The aerial parts of the plants were inoculated by spraying a bacterial suspension (107 CFU.mL−1) from the strain Feij. 2628A, which is resistant to rifampicin and pathogenic to common bean. The soil of the pots was infested with 200 mL of the same suspension. Cff survival was evaluated every seven days for 70 days, and the survival periods were confirmed by selecting strains from all samples and performing PCR with specific primers. Cff survived for at least seven days in the phyllosphere, and 21 days in the rhizosphere of all evaluated crops. Based on our results, barley, black oat, canola, forage turnip, maize, pearl millet, ryegrass, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, velvet bean, wheat and white oat can be potential asymptomatic hosts for Cff, and their cultivation in succession with common bean is not recommended in areas with a history of bacterial wilt occurrence.


flaccumfaciens pv。的生存。作物的根际和根际中的黄精

了解弗拉卡弗氏梭状芽孢杆菌PV的生态生存能力。flaccumfaciens(CFF),豆青枯病的引发剂,是用于有效的疾病管理是至关重要的。我们的研究评估了大棚,黑燕麦,油菜籽,菜豆,饲用萝卜,玉米,珍珠小米,黑麦草,高粱,大豆,向日葵,天鹅绒豆,小麦和白燕麦的根际和根际Cff的存活率。通过喷雾细菌悬浮液(10 7  CFU.mL -1)接种植物的地上部分。)来自Feij菌株。2628A,对利福平具有抗性,对普通豆具有致病性。用200mL相同的悬浮液侵染盆的土壤。每7天评估Cff存活70天,并通过从所有样品中选择菌株并用特异性引物进行PCR来确定存活期。Cff在所有评估作物的叶根中至少存活7天,在根际中至少存活21天。根据我们的结果,大麦,黑燕麦,低芥酸菜子,牧草萝卜,玉米,珍珠粟,黑麦草,高粱,大豆,向日葵,天鹅绒豆,小麦和白燕麦可能是Cff的无症状寄主,并且它们的栽培可与常见的不建议在有细菌萎病史的地区食用豆类。
