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Lessons From Critical Race Theory: Outdoor Experiential Education and Whiteness in Kinesiology
Journal of Experiential Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1177/10538259211006739
Viviane Soa Gauthier 1 , Janelle Joseph 1 , Caroline Fusco 1

Background: Outdoor experiential education (OEE) is often presented as a neutral and equitable curricular practice with positive learning outcomes. However, few studies have examined the experiences of racialized and queer White settler students or the representation of Whiteness in OEE curricular documents. Purpose: This article explores Whiteness, racialization, and Indigenous erasure in OEE as an undergraduate curricular practice at a Kinesiology program in a Canadian university. Methodology/Approach: Using critical race theory, a critical discourse analysis of six types of documents used to advertise and organize the outdoor experiential courses was combined with five semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students. Findings/Conclusions: This study demonstrates that students must negotiate Whiteness and settler colonialism to participate in OEE. Three main findings include the following: (a) The imagined student is wealthy and White, (b) students both assimilate to and resist codes of Whiteness, and (c) curricular documents and practices promote Eurocentricity and erase Indigeneity. Implications: OEE presents an opportunity for students preparing to become workers and educators in sport and recreation to learn about Whiteness, racialization, and Indigeneity. Kinesiology program design can use student narratives to shift from supposedly neutral curricular documents and pedagogies to ones that expose and work toward dismantling Eurocentricity.



背景:户外体验式教育(OEE)通常被视为一种中立且公平的课程实践,具有积极的学习成果。然而,很少有研究检查种族化和酷儿化的白人移民学生的经历或OEE课程文件中白人的代表。目的:本文探讨了加拿大大学运动机能学课程中作为大学课程实践的OEE中的白度,种族化和土著擦除。方法论/方法:运用批判种族理论,对六种用于宣传和组织户外体验课程的文件进行批判性话语分析,并与五次对大学生进行的半结构式访谈相结合。结果/结论:这项研究表明,学生必须协商白人与定居者的殖民主义才能参与OEE。三个主要发现包括:(a)想象中的学生是有钱人和白人,(b)学生既吸收并抵制了白人意识,又(c)课程文件和做法促进了欧洲中心性并抹去了土著性。启示: OEE为准备成为体育和娱乐工作者和教育者的学生提供了学习白度,种族化和土著性的机会。运动机能学程序设计可以使用学生的叙述,从原本中立的课程文件和教学法转变为揭露并致力于消除欧洲中心性的文献。
