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Behavioral Responses of Asian Citrus Psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) to Salinity-Stressed Citrus
Environmental Entomology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvab028
Maria Ângela Cruz Macêdo Dos Santos 1 , Mauricio Antônio Coelho Filho 2 , Francisco José Nunes Modesto 1 , Joseph M Patt 3 , Marilene Fancelli 2

Most commercial citrus varieties are intolerant of salinity stress, but some rootstocks, such as Rangpur lime, tolerate moderately saline irrigation water. Development of salinity-tolerant citrus may allow for citriculture in semiarid and arid regions where salinity stress is problematic. Because salinity stress influences shoot growth in citrus, we compared the behavioral responses of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, to salinity-stressed versus nonstressed Rangpur lime seedlings. The effects of salinity stress on key physiological processes in the seedlings were also examined. Seedlings in the control group were fertilized with a solution having a salinity of 1.7 dS m−1 while seedlings in the salinity-stressed group were fertilized with a solution having a salinity of 10 dS m−1. The seedlings were exposed to salinity stress for increasing durations (15, 20, or 60 d). Seedlings presented differential physiological responses 15 d after the imposition of salinity stress, and differences in psyllid settling rate on control versus salinity-stressed seedlings were discernable within 1 h following the imposition of salinity stress. The levels of settling, oviposition, and egg survivorship were significantly lower on salinity-stressed versus control seedlings. Olfactometer tests showed that female psyllids preferred the odor from control seedlings, suggesting that the odors of control and salinity-stressed seedlings were different. The results showed that D. citri avoids salinity-stressed seedlings; this suggests the possibility of using moderate salinity stress as a management strategy to minimize psyllid settlement and reproduction and to reduce the spread of huanglongbing, especially in citrus grown in semiarid and arid areas.


亚洲柑橘木虱 (半翅目: Liviidae) 对盐胁迫柑橘的行为反应

大多数商业柑橘品种不能耐受盐分胁迫,但一些砧木,如朗布尔石灰,可以耐受中等盐分的灌溉水。耐盐柑橘的发展可能允许在盐胁迫存在问题的半干旱和干旱地区进行柑橘栽培。因为盐分胁迫影响柑橘的枝条生长,我们比较了亚洲柑橘木虱 Diaphorina citri Kuwayama 对盐分胁迫与非胁迫 Rangpur 石灰幼苗的行为反应。还研究了盐分胁迫对幼苗关键生理过程的影响。对照组的幼苗用盐度为 1.7 dS m-1 的溶液施肥,而盐胁迫组的幼苗用盐度为 10 dS m-1 的溶液施肥。幼苗暴露于盐分胁迫的时间越来越长(15、20 或 60 天)。幼苗在施加盐分胁迫后 15 天表现出不同的生理反应,并且在施加盐分胁迫后 1 小时内,对照幼苗与受盐分胁迫的幼苗的木虱沉降率的差异是可辨别的。与对照幼苗相比,盐胁迫幼苗的沉降、产卵和卵存活率显着降低。嗅觉计测试表明,雌性木虱更喜欢对照幼苗的气味,这表明对照幼苗和盐胁迫幼苗的气味不同。结果表明,D. citri避免了盐胁迫的幼苗;