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Rebound and Spillovers: Prosumers in Transition
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.636109
Elisabeth Dütschke 1 , Ray Galvin 2 , Iska Brunzema 1

Generating energy by renewable sources like wind, sun or water has led to the emergence of 'clean' energy that is generally available at low cost to the environ-ment and is generated from seemingly unbounded resources. Many countries have implemented schemes to support the diffusion of renewable energies. The diffu-sion of micro-generation technologies like roof-top photovoltaics is one of the suc-cess stories within the energy transition and has been significantly driven - at least in countries such as Germany - by households. As these households usually not only generate energy but also consume it they are often called 'prosumers'. How does it influence the energy behavior of households if they become prosum-ers? Are these behavioral changes in line with further goals of the energy transi-tion, e.g. reducing demand? What shapes individual behaviors of prosumers? The paper introduces a conceptual framework based on the existing literature on re-bound and spillover effects. It systematizes possible behavioral consequences as well as mechanisms behind them. This framework is then used to code and ana-lyze data from 48 in-depth interviews with prosumer households. These inter-views reveal a broad variety of behavioral responses which have their roots in economic conditions and their evaluation by the prosumers, psychological mech-anisms like central guiding principles and a clear conscience as well as sociotech-nical context and legislative frameworks.



利用风能、太阳能或水力等可再生能源发电导致了“清洁”能源的出现,这种能源通常可以以较低的环境成本获得,并且由看似无限的资源产生。许多国家已经实施了支持可再生能源推广的计划。屋顶光伏发电等微型发电技术的推广是能源转型的成功案例之一,并且受到家庭的大力推动(至少在德国等国家如此)。由于这些家庭通常不仅产生能源而且还消耗能源,因此他们通常被称为“产消者”。如果家庭成为产消者,它会如何影响他们的能源行为?这些行为变化是否符合能源转型的进一步目标,例如减少需求?是什么塑造了产消者的个人行为?本文介绍了一个基于现有关于反弹和溢出效应文献的概念框架。它将可能的行为后果及其背后的机制系统化。然后使用该框架对 48 次产消合一家庭深度访谈的数据进行编码和分析。这些访谈揭示了各种各样的行为反应,这些反应的根源在于经济状况及其产消者的评估、心理机制(如中心指导原则和问心无愧)以及社会技术背景和立法框架。