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A Response to Thomas Aquinas and William E. Carroll on Creatio ex Nihilo by Ignacio Silva
Theology and Science ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1080/14746700.2021.1910909
Joseph Hannon


A defense of William E Carroll has been offered, contending that his metaphysicalist understanding of divine creation - namely the continual conferral of ‘esse’ - is theologically justified. Here, I explain my position that Carroll confuses an ontological dependency of all creaturely things on God as source of all being with a causal dependency that accounts for how they are structured and behave. By contrast, Thomas Aquinas viewed creation as both an event and a process whereby God acts to produce the physical substance and intricate forms of the material world.


伊格纳西奥·席尔瓦(Ignacio Silva)对托马斯·阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)和威廉·卡洛尔(William E.


威廉·E·卡洛尔(William E Carroll)提出了辩护,认为他对神的创造的形而上学的理解(即“ esse”的连续授予)在神学上是合理的。在这里,我解释一下我的立场,即卡洛尔将所有生物事物的本体论依赖性(作为一切事物的来源)与上帝之间的因果关系相混淆,以因果关系来解释它们的结构和行为。相比之下,托马斯·阿奎那把创造既是一个事件,又是一个过程,在此过程中,上帝行事以产生物质世界的物质和复杂形式。
