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Paleoecology of naticid–molluscan prey interaction during the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) in Kutch, India: evolutionary implications
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2021.24
Subhendu Bardhan , Sandip Saha , Shiladri S. Das , Ranita Saha

We document and quantify one of the oldest predator–prey interactions between naticid gastropods and molluscan prey, on the basis of drill holes in shells, from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) beds of Kutch, western India. Previously, many workers recorded naticid-like drill holes on prey taxa from the Triassic and the Jurassic, but in the absence of associated naticid body fossils, they remained equivocal.The present gastropod community is dominated by turritellines (98% of the sample) that form the turritelline-dominated assemblage, and the naticid drilling predation is restricted almost entirely to turritellines among gastropods. Confamilial naticid predation takes place occasionally. Within the bivalve community, corbulids and nuculids are most abundant and are drilled more often than other taxa. These observations indicate that prey selection was opportunistic and based solely on availability. Drilling intensities at both assemblage and lower taxon levels are low. Behavioral stereotypy of naticid predation in some cases is moderately high.Turritellines are often the preferred prey of naticid gastropods since the late Early Cretaceous. These two groups form a recurrent association reflecting prey–predator interaction. Here we suggest that both turritellines and naticids evolved during the Jurassic, and the prey–predator interaction between them was established shortly thereafter. Among bivalves, corbulids also became important prey of naticids in the same spatiotemporal framework. Corbulids are older than naticids and first appeared during the Middle Jurassic. After their first encounter with naticids, corbulids evolved conchiolin layers within the valves to resist predation.



我们基于在印度西部卡奇(Kutch)晚侏罗纪(牛津纪)床层的贝壳上钻孔,记录并量化了水螅腹足类动物和软体动物猎物之间最古老的捕食者 - 猎物相互作用之一。以前,许多工人在三叠纪和侏罗纪的猎物类群上记录了类似水族的钻孔,但在没有相关的水族体化石的情况下,它们仍然模棱两可。目前的腹足类群落以turritellines(98%的样本)为主,形成以turritelline为主的组合,并且naticid钻井捕食几乎完全限于腹足动物中的turritellines。偶尔会发生家族性的水族捕食。在双壳类群落中,corbulids 和 nuculids 最丰富,并且比其他类群更频繁地钻探。这些观察表明,猎物选择是机会主义的,并且完全基于可用性。组合和较低分类单元水平的钻探强度都很低。在某些情况下,水族捕食的行为刻板印象相当高。自白垩纪晚期以来,Turritellines 通常是水族腹足动物的首选猎物。这两组形成了反映猎物 - 捕食者相互作用的反复关联。在这里,我们认为turritellines 和naticids 在侏罗纪期间进化,并且它们之间的猎物 - 捕食者相互作用在此后不久建立。在双壳类中,蚬类也成为同一时空框架下水栖类的重要猎物。Corbulids比naticids更古老,首次出现在侏罗纪中期。在他们第一次遇到海贼之后,