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A possible portrait of Ptolemy I from Dedoplis Gora in Caucasian Iberia (Georgia)
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000076
David Gagoshidze

:In 2017, during the archaeological excavations of room N24 of the Palace of Dedoplis Gora (Caucasian Iberia, Georgia), built in the 2nd–1st c. BCE, fragments of a small statuette carved from bone were discovered. The statuette is a miniature sphinx with a human head and may have been an element of furniture. The male head is adorned with the nemes, a headdress worn by pharaohs. In this article, I suggest that the head of the sphinx may portray Ptolemy I Soter, the first king of Ptolemaic Egypt. Some scholars believe that artifacts containing Ptolemaic portraits came to Georgia among diplomatic gifts sent by Mark Antony to Pharnabazos II, for it was he who had close relationships with the Ptolemaic court. In my opinion the bone sphinx with the head of Ptolemy I appeared in Caucasian Iberia together with these items.



:2017 年,在对建于公元 2-1 世纪的德多普利斯戈拉宫(高加索伊比利亚,格鲁吉亚)的 N24 房间进行考古发掘。公元前,一个用骨头雕刻的小雕像的碎片被发现。小雕像是一个带有人头的微型狮身人面像,可能是家具的一个元素。男头饰有敌人,法老戴的头饰。在这篇文章中,我建议狮身人面像的头部可以描绘托勒密一世,托勒密埃及的第一位国王。一些学者认为,包含托勒密肖像的文物是在马克安东尼送给法纳巴佐斯二世的外交礼物中来到格鲁吉亚的,因为正是他与托勒密宫廷关系密切。在我看来,带有托勒密头颅的狮身人面像与这些物品一起出现在高加索伊比利亚。