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Notes on Hazard-Free Circuits
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1137/20m1355240
Stasys Jukna

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Volume 35, Issue 2, Page 770-787, January 2021.
The problem of constructing hazard-free Boolean circuits (those avoiding electronic glitches) dates back to the 1940s and is an important problem in circuit design and even in cybersecurity. We show that a DeMorgan circuit, that is, a Boolean AND, OR, NOT circuit with negations applied to only input variables, is hazard-free iff the circuit produces (purely syntactically) all prime implicants as well as all prime implicates of the Boolean function it computes. This extends to arbitrary DeMorgan circuits a classical result of Eichelberger [IBM J. Res. Develop., 9 (1965), pp. 90--99] showing this property for circuits producing no terms containing a variable together with its negation. Via an amazingly simple proof, we also strengthen a recent result of Ikenmeyer et al. [J. ACM, 66 (2019), 25]: not only do the complexities of hazard-free and monotone circuits for monotone Boolean functions coincide, but every minimal hazard-free circuit for a monotone Boolean function must be monotone. We also observe that hazard-free implementations of already very simple Boolean functions require a superpolynomial increase of circuit size and depth, such as, for example, the Boolean function which accepts a Boolean square matrix iff every row and every column has exactly one $1$. Finally, we show that the order of growth of the Shannon function of hazard-free circuits is the same as that of unrestricted circuits.



SIAM 离散数学杂志,第 35 卷,第 2 期,第 770-787 页,2021 年 1 月。
构建无危险布尔电路(避免电子故障的电路)的问题可以追溯到 1940 年代,是电路设计甚至网络安全中的一个重要问题。我们证明了一个 DeMorgan 电路,即一个仅对输入变量应用否定的布尔 AND、OR、NOT 电路,如果该电路产生(纯粹在语法上)所有素蕴涵以及布尔运算的所有素蕴涵,那么它是无风险的。它计算的函数。这扩展到任意 DeMorgan 电路,这是 Eichelberger 的经典结果 [IBM J. Res. Develop., 9 (1965), pp. 90--99] 展示了电路的这种特性,它不产生包含变量及其否定的项。通过一个非常简单的证明,我们还加强了 Ikenmeyer 等人最近的一个结果。[J. ACM, 66 (2019), 25]:不仅单调布尔函数的无危险和单调电路的复杂性一致,而且单调布尔函数的每个最小无危险电路都必须是单调的。我们还观察到,已经非常简单的布尔函数的无风险实现需要电路大小和深度的超多项式增加,例如,布尔函数接受一个布尔方阵,如果每行和每列恰好有一个 $1$ . 最后,我们证明了无危险电路的香农函数的增长顺序与无限制电路的增长顺序相同。我们还观察到,已经非常简单的布尔函数的无风险实现需要电路大小和深度的超多项式增加,例如,布尔函数接受一个布尔方阵,如果每行和每列恰好有一个 $1$ . 最后,我们证明了无危险电路的香农函数的增长顺序与无限制电路的增长顺序相同。我们还观察到,已经非常简单的布尔函数的无风险实现需要电路大小和深度的超多项式增加,例如,布尔函数接受一个布尔方阵,如果每行和每列恰好有一个 $1$ . 最后,我们证明了无危险电路的香农函数的增长顺序与无限制电路的增长顺序相同。