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Eemian and early Weichselian environmental changes at the Jałówka site, NE Poland, and their correlation with marine and ice records
Quaternary Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1017/qua.2021.8
Mirosława Kupryjanowicz , Magdalena Fiłoc , Barbara Woronko , Tomasz Mirosław Karasiewicz , Joanna Rychel , Aleksander Adamczyk , Joanna Jarosz

Vegetation changes were documented across the last interglacial period (MIS 5e, Eemian) and continuing through the older part of the last glacial period (MIS 5d–a, early Weichselian). This study was based on pollen data collected at the Jałówka site, NE Poland. Two cold oscillations appeared within warm periods during this stage of the upper Pleistocene. The older oscillation was the temporary intra–interglacial cooling at the end of the Eemian. The younger one was the intra–interstadial cooling that occurred within the oldest interstadial of the early Weichselian (MIS 5c, Brørup). This last event corresponds well to the stadial separating both the Amersfoort and Brørup sensu stricto interstadials in the Netherlands and to the Montaigu event as recognized in France. The development of a pollen sequence allows speculation as to potential correlations with Greenland ice cores and marine records. We suggest that the Eemian in NE Poland may comprise not only MIS 5e, but also a part of MIS 5d. This supposition could shed light on potential for non-synchrony in upper boundaries of the MIS 5e and terrestrial Eemian in Europe. We await the development of more precise independent dating controls to validate our theory more assiduously.


波兰东北部 Jałówka 遗址的 Eemian 和早期 Weichselian 环境变化及其与海洋和冰记录的相关性

植被变化记录在最后一个间冰期(MIS 5e,Eemian)并持续到最后一个冰期的较旧部分(MIS 5d-a,早期魏克瑟期)。这项研究基于在波兰东北部 Jałówka 地点收集的花粉数据。在上更新世的这个阶段,在温暖时期出现了两次冷振荡。较旧的振荡是埃米纪末期的临时间冰期冷却。较年轻的是发生在早期 Weichselian(MIS 5c,Brørup)最古老的间质内的间质内冷却。这最后一个事件与荷兰的阿默斯福特和 Brørup sensu stricto interstadials 以及法国公认的蒙太古事件很好地对应。花粉序列的发展允许推测与格陵兰冰芯和海洋记录的潜在相关性。我们认为波兰东北部的 Eemian 可能不仅包括 MIS 5e,而且还包括 MIS 5d 的一部分。这一假设可以揭示欧洲 MIS 5e 和陆地 Eemian 上边界不同步的可能性。我们等待开发更精确的独立约会控制,以更加努力地验证我们的理论。