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Diel and lunar variation in diving behavior of rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) off Kauaʻi, Hawaiʻi
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12811
Jacquelyn F. Shaff 1 , Robin W. Baird 1

Observational studies describe rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) actively foraging during the day on epipelagic species. Using data from depth-transmitting satellite tags deployed on nine individuals off Kauaʻi, we investigated diving behavior and the effects of lunar phase and solar light levels on vertical movements. Overall, tagged rough-toothed dolphins primarily used near-surface waters, spending between 83.6% and 93.7% of their time in the top 30 m of the water column. When diving, grand mean, median, and maximum dive depths were 76.9 m, 67.5 m, and 399.5 m, although individuals were in water with depths from approximately 700–1,450 m. Dive rates varied by time of day, being lowest during the day and at dawn and highest at dusk and night. Dives were deepest (M = 133.7 m, SD = 52.6 m, median = 106.5 m) and longest (M = 4.0 min, SD = 0.4 min, median = 4.0 min) at dusk, suggesting dolphins were taking advantage of prey rising to the surface in response to reduced light levels. Lunar phase indirectly affected diving, with deeper and longer dives occurring with increasing illumination. The variations in dive behavior across solar and lunar cycles indicate diving patterns shift based on the distribution of prey.


夏威夷考艾岛附近粗齿海豚(Steno bredanensis)潜水行为的日月变化和月球变化

观察性研究描述了粗齿海豚(Steno bredanensis)白天在上层物种上积极觅食。我们使用部署在考艾岛外 9 个人身上的深度传输卫星标签的数据,调查了潜水行为以及月相和太阳光水平对垂直运动的影响。总体而言,带标签的粗齿海豚主要在近地表水域活动,它们有 83.6% 到 93.7% 的时间在水柱的顶部 30 m 中度过。潜水时,总平均、中值和最大潜水深度分别为 76.9 m、67.5 m 和 399.5 m,尽管个体在水中的深度约为 700-1,450 m。潜水率因一天中的时间而异,白天和黎明时最低,黄昏和夜间最高。潜水最深(M= 133.7 m,SD = 52.6 m,中值 = 106.5 m)和最长(M = 4.0 分钟,SD = 0.4 分钟,中值 = 4.0 分钟)在黄昏时,表明海豚正在利用上升到水面的猎物响应减少光照水平。月相间接影响了潜水,随着光照的增加,潜水会越来越深。跨太阳和月球周期的潜水行为变化表明潜水模式会根据猎物的分布发生变化。