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Understanding why we do what we do during a global pandemic [Environmental Sciences]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-04 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2104413118
Sandro Galea 1

We are, at this writing, slowly beginning to see the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. Eighteen percent of the population has now been vaccinated, and the national third wave of COVID-19 cases is on the wane. Both of these forces are conspiring to give us hope that the United States can soon start to move beyond the COVID-19 year, to start picking up the pieces from where the country left off when COVID-19 first hit. There is going to be much to do in the wake of COVID-19. The economy remains weak, and only about half of the jobs lost during COVID-19 have been recovered. There will have to be a rethinking of how the country works, a reckoning with the inequities laid bare by the pandemic, and a wholesale reimagining of how we can prevent future pandemics.


了解为什么我们在全球大流行期间做我们所做的事情 [环境科学]

在撰写本文时,我们正慢慢开始看到 COVID-19 隧道尽头的曙光。现在 18% 的人口已接种疫苗,全国第三波 COVID-19 病例正在减少。这两种力量合谋给我们希望,美国可以很快开始超越 COVID-19 年,开始从 COVID-19 首次袭击时该国停止的地方开始收拾残局。在 COVID-19 之后,将会有很多事情要做。经济仍然疲软,在 COVID-19 期间失去的工作岗位中只有大约一半已经恢复。必须重新思考国家的运作方式,清算大流行所暴露的不平等,并全面重新设想我们如何预防未来的大流行。