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Scientific interactions in colonial, multilinguistic, and interreligious contexts: Venetian Crete and the manuscript Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614). A preliminary study
Centaurus ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1111/1600-0498.12380
Alberto Bardi 1

This paper is a preliminary study focused on the astronomical manuscript Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614) and its socio-historical context of use and production, the Venetian colony of Crete in the 15th century. It is a relevant source for the study of scientific interactions in colonial, multilinguistic, and interreligious contexts in the Eastern Mediterranean for at least two reasons: (a) it contains an unpublished translation into Latin of a popular Byzantine handbook on how to use a set of astronomical tables stemming from Islamic sources, namely the so-called Paradosis of the Persian Tables, a work extensively copied and annotated by very significant Byzantine and Jewish scholars active in Constantinople; and (b) it provides evidence of a Byzantine product being the object of exchange in the interactions between Christians and Jews in the Cretan territory under Venetian rule.


殖民、多语言和跨宗教背景下的科学互动:威尼斯克里特岛和手稿 Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614)。初步研究

本文是一项初步研究,重点研究天文手稿Marcianus latinus VIII.31 (2614) 及其使用和生产的社会历史背景,即 15 世纪的威尼斯克里特殖民地。它是研究东地中海殖民、多语言和跨宗教背景下的科学互动的相关来源,至少有两个原因:(a) 它包含一本未出版的拉丁语译本,翻译成一本关于如何使用集合的流行拜占庭手册源自伊斯兰教的天文表,即所谓的波斯表天堂,一部由活跃在君士坦丁堡的非常重要的拜占庭和犹太学者广泛复制和注释的作品;(b) 它提供了证据,证明拜占庭产品是威尼斯统治下克里特岛领土上基督徒和犹太人之间互动的交换对象。