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Impact of copper and zinc mixture on haematological parameters of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ): acute exposure and recovery
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-021-02404-7
Laura Butrimavičienė , Reda Nalivaikienė , Virginija Kalcienė , Aleksandras Rybakovas

Significant changes in composition of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss blood cells types were induced after 4-days exposure with mixture of Cu2+ and Zn2+ at 0.25, 0.125 and 0.06 parts of LC50 in comparison to control group. The highest concentration of metal mixture (0.25 of LC50) significantly induced elevation of the number of monocytes and poly-segmented neutrophils. Treatment with 0.125 parts of LC50 concentration increased the number of thrombocytes, monocytes and non-segmented neutrophils. The most diluted mixture resulted in significant induction of thrombocytes, monocytes, non- and poly segmented neutrophils. Analysis of leucocyte cell types in the O. mykiss blood samples after 4-days of exposure at all applied mixture parts showed signs of monocytosis and neutrophilia. Comparison of different types of leucocytes’ percentages (leukogram) in fish after 4-days exposure to metal mixture and after 4, 8, and 12-days recovery periods showed that, values of neutrophils even after the 12-days recovery period at all tested parts of LC50, and monocytes after exposure with the highest (0.25) used part of LC50 were not restored to control group levels. Depuration and recovery processes in treated fish are concentration and recovery period dependent.



与对照组相比,在0.25、0.125和0.06份LC 50下暴露2天的Cu 2+和Zn 2+的混合物暴露4天后,虹鳟Mykiss血细胞类型的组成发生了显着变化。金属混合物的最高浓度(LC 50的0.25 )显着诱导了单核细胞和多节段中性粒细胞数量的增加。用0.125份LC 50浓度处理可增加血小板,单核细胞和非节段中性粒细胞的数量。稀释度最高的混合物可显着诱导血小板,单核细胞,非节段和多节段的中性粒细胞。在白细胞的细胞类型的分析O.鳟在所有应用的混合物部位接触4天后,血液样本均显示出单核细胞增多和嗜中性粒细胞增多的迹象。比较暴露于金属混合物4天后,恢复期4、8和12天后鱼中不同类型白细胞的百分比(白血球),结果表明,在所有测试中,中性粒细胞的值即使在恢复12天后也是如此LC的部件50,和曝光具有最高(0.25)中使用LC的一部分之后的单核细胞50未恢复到对照组的水平。处理鱼的净化和恢复过程取决于浓度和恢复时间。
