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The outdoors as a contested leisure terrain
Annals of Leisure Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2021.1899832
Katherine Dashper 1, 2, 3 , Jason King 3


In this critical commentary, we propose that ‘the outdoors’ is a contested leisure terrain that is both a space for freedom, relaxation and enjoyment, and, at the same time, a site of exclusion, hierarchy and discrimination. We review some of the well-established benefits of outdoor leisure in relation to physical and mental health, well-being and personal development. However, these benefits are not equally accessible to all, with many groups and individuals reporting feeling excluded from leisure in the outdoors. Drawing on the context of the UK, we argue that the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating these divisions, as outdoor leisure takes on added significance during times of lockdown. Nevertheless, we suggest that the pandemic may also offer an opportunity to rethink outdoor leisure and ‘the outdoors’ as a leisure space in more inclusive and accessible ways.




在这篇批判性评论中,我们提出“户外”是一个有争议的休闲场所,它既是一个自由、放松和享受的空间,同时也是一个排斥、等级和歧视的场所。我们回顾了户外休闲对身心健康、福祉和个人发展的一些公认的好处。然而,并非所有人都能获得这些好处,许多团体和个人报告说感觉被排除在户外休闲之外。借鉴英国的背景,我们认为 COVID-19 大流行正在加剧这些分歧,因为户外休闲在​​封锁期间变得更加重要。尽管如此,
