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The Sicilian Countryside in the Early Middle Ages: Human–Environment Interactions at Contrada Castro
Environmental Archaeology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2021.1911768
Angelo Castrorao Barba 1 , Claudia Speciale 2 , Roberto Miccichè 3 , Filippo Pisciotta 4 , Carla Aleo Nero 5 , Pasquale Marino 6 , Giuseppe Bazan 7


Within the project ‘Harvesting Memories: Ecology and Archaeology of Monti Sicani Landscapes’, this paper aims to reconstruct human–environment interactions in the inland areas of Western Sicily during the Early Middle Ages through a comparative analysis of environmental archaeological data. We analyse carpological and anthracological finds and faunal remains originating from different layers of the rural settlement of Contrada Castro (Corleone, Palermo), excavated in 2017–2019. The site was mainly occupied between the Byzantine and Islamic periods (late 8th to 11th c. AD). The examination of wood charcoal enabled the identification of plant species selected and exploited in the landscape of the site for each main chronological period. The archaeobotanical data indicated a precise, qualitative picture on the historical vegetation of this area, accompanied with the agricultural practices of the communities. The zooarchaeological data added further information on the reconstruction of rural economy and animal exploitation patterns. An integrated comparison of the characteristic landscape and the archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data presented the dynamics of agricultural strategy, wood exploitation, and management of animal resources of an early medieval rural community in Western Sicily.




在“收获记忆:蒙蒂西卡尼景观的生态学和考古学”项目中,本文旨在通过环境考古数据的比较分析来重建中世纪早期西西里岛西部内陆地区的人类与环境的相互作用。我们分析了 2017 年至 2019 年出土的来自康特拉达卡斯特罗(巴勒莫柯里昂)农村聚居区不同地层的动物学和人类学发现以及动物遗骸。该遗址主要在拜占庭和伊斯兰时期(公元 8 世纪末至 11 世纪)被占领。对木炭的检查能够识别每个主要年代在该地点景观中选择和利用的植物物种。考古植物学数据显示了该地区历史植被的精确定性图景,伴随着社区的农业实践。动物考古数据进一步补充了农村经济重建和动物剥削模式的信息。对特征景观以及考古植物学和动物考古学数据的综合比较展示了西西里岛西部中世纪早期农村社区的农业策略、木材开发和动物资源管理的动态。
