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Modern pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs along an altitudinal transect in Jammu and Kashmir (Western Himalaya), India
Palynology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2021.1915402
Md. Firoze Quamar 1 , Normunds Stivrins 2, 3, 4


Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs were analysed from 35 modern moss cushions collected along an altitudinal gradient (2225–2552 m a.s.l.) from the Baramulla District of Jammu and Kashmir State (Western Himalaya), India. The selected sampling altitude is at the elevation of appearance of blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) and West Himalayan spruce or morinda spruce (Picea smithiana). We used cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) to reveal trends and characteristics in the modern pollen and non-pollen palynomorph composition within this zone. Tree taxa mainly correlated positively with the altitudinal gradient, i.e. tree pollen is more abundant at higher altitudes. The presence of West Himalayan spruce pollen increased significantly above 2490 m a.s.l., which coincides with its increased abundance in the area. Poaceae, Cerealia, Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Asteroideae and Cichorioideae, indicating open land and human agricultural activities, are more characteristic of higher locations. Greater relative abundance of dung spores was characteristic of lower elevations, indicating human-related grazing activities. While tropical deciduous plants grow only at lower elevations away from the study area, their pollen was present at higher altitudes, suggesting long-distance pollen dispersal, beyond the growing localities.




从印度查谟和克什米尔邦(喜马拉雅西部)的 Baramulla 区沿海拔梯度(2225-2552 m asl)收集的 35 个现代苔藓垫中分析了花粉和非花粉孢粉。选取的采样海拔为蓝松(Pinus wallichiana)和西喜马拉雅云杉或巴戟天云杉(Picea smithiana)的出现海拔。)。我们使用聚类分析和主成分分析 (PCA) 来揭示该区域内现代花粉和非花粉孢粉组成的趋势和特征。树木类群主要与海拔梯度呈正相关,即海拔越高树木花粉越丰富。西喜马拉雅云杉花粉的存在在 2490 m asl 以上显着增加,这与其在该地区的丰度增加相吻合。禾本科、谷类、毛茛科、石竹科、星形科和菊科,表明开阔的土地和人类农业活动,更具有较高位置的特征。粪便孢子的相对丰度较高是海拔较低的特征,表明与人类有关的放牧活动。虽然热带落叶植物只生长在远离研究区的低海拔地区,
