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Desulfovibrio Isolate from the Microbiote of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Immobilizes Iron in Poorly Soluble Crystalline Sulfides
Microbiology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s0026261721020041
O. P. Ikkert , M. V. Ivanov , A. Ukhova , V. S. Zuysman , L. B. Glukhova , M. R. Avakyan , O. V. Karnachuk


Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the genus Desulfovibrio are one of the groups occurring in elevated numbers in the gut of children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). Until now, high abundance of Desulfovibrio in individuals with RAS has been shown only by molecular methods. No cultured forms have been isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of autists. A conceivable mechanisms of SRB effect is conversion of iron into biologically unavailable forms of sulfides, causing its deficiency in the organism. In this study we isolated two Desulfovibrio strains from feces of the children with diagnosed ASD. In experiments Desulfovibrio desulfuricans AY5 formed crystalline iron sulfides, greigite and pyrite, containing iron in a biologically unavailable form.




Desulfovibrio属的硫酸盐还原细菌(SRB)是自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童肠道中数量增加的一种。迄今为止,仅通过分子方法显示了患有RAS的个体中高含量的Desulfovibrio。从自闭症者的胃肠道中未分离出任何培养形式。SRB效应的一种可能机制是铁转化为生物学上无法获得的硫化物形式,从而导致生物体内缺乏铁。在这项研究中,我们从确诊为ASD的儿童的粪便中分离了两种Desulfovibrio菌株。在实验中Desulfovibrio desulfuricans AY5形成结晶性的硫化铁,钙铁矿和黄铁矿,其中含有生物学上无法获得的铁。
