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Experience of Simultaneous Measurements of Parameters of Currents and Hydrological Structure of Water from a Moving Vessel
Oceanology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001437021010112
S. B. Kuklev , A. G. Zatsepin , V. T. Paka , V. I. Baranov , O. N. Kukleva , O. I. Podymov , A. P. Podufalov , A. O. Korg , A. A. Kondrashov , D. M. Soloviev


At the Black Sea research site Gelendzhik of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IO RAS), a technique has been established for joint current velocity profile measurements using towed ADCP and periodic CTD soundings from on board of the mini R/V Ashamba with high spatiotemporal resolution. In this case, CTD soundings are taken from the sea surface to the bottom layer according to an original method recently proposed by V.T. Paka and tested by him and his colleagues on the Baltic Sea. Simultaneous measurements of this kind are important due to the insufficient knowledge of the effect of submesoscale eddies on the hydrological structure and vertical mixing processes. On the other hand, a promising aspect of fast joint ADCP and CTD surveys from the mini R/V is that their measurements can be automatically recorded to the ship’s server in real time. It’s connected transmitter can relay measurement data to a coastal data center, and they can be assimilated into numerical models for now- and hindcast calculations of the state of the marine environment. Thus, in the future, this technique can be considered an operational oceanograpic tool, the development of which is one of the main tasks being solved at the Gelendzhik research site.




在希尔肖夫海洋研究所(IO RAS)的黑海研究基地Gelendzhik,已经建立了一种技术,用于通过微型R / V Ashamba船上的拖曳ADCP和定期CTD测深来测量联合海流速度剖面具有高时空分辨率。在这种情况下,根据VT Paka最近提出的原始方法,从海面到底层获取CTD测深,并由他和他的同事在波罗的海进行测试。由于对亚中尺度涡流对水文结构和垂直混合过程的影响了解不足,因此此类同时测量非常重要。另一方面,通过小型R / V进行ADCP和CTD快速联合勘测的一个有希望的方面是,它们的测量值可以实时自动自动记录到船上的服务器。与之相连的变送器可以将测量数据中继到沿海数据中心,并且可以将它们同化为数值模型,以进行海洋环境状态的现在和将来的计算。因此,在未来,
