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Thermal conditions during heat waves of a mid-European metropolis under consideration of climate change, urban development scenarios and resilience measures for the mid‑21st century
Meteorologische Zeitschrift ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1127/metz/2019/0966
Heidelinde Trimmel , Philipp Weihs , Stéphanie Faroux , Herbert Formayer , Paul Hamer , Kristofer Hasel , Johannes Laimighofer , David Leidinger , Valéry Masson , Imran Nadeem , Sandro M. Oswald , Michael Revesz , Robert Schoetter

In this study we produce two urban development scenarios estimating potential urban sprawl and optimized development concerning building construction, and we simulate their influence on air temperature, surface temperatures and human thermal comfort. We select two heat waves representative for present and future conditions of the mid 21st century and simulations are run with the Town Energy Balance Model (TEB) coupled online and offline to the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). Global and regional climate change under the RCP8.5 scenario causes an increase of daily maximum air temperature in Vienna by 7 K. The daily minimum air temperature will increase by 2–4 K. Changes caused by urban growth or densification mainly affect air temperature and human thermal comfort locally where new urbanisation takes place and does not occur significantly in the central districts. A combination of near zero-energy standards and increasing albedo of building materials on the city scale accomplishes a maximum reduction of urban canyon temperature achieved by changes in urban parameters of 0.9 K for the minima and 0.2 K for the maxima. Local scale changes of different adaptation measures show that insulation of buildings alone increases the maximum wall surface temperatures by more than 10 K or the maximum mean radiant temperature (MRT) in the canyon by 5 K. Therefore, measures to reduce MRT within the urban canyons like tree shade are needed to complement the proposed measures. This study concludes that the rising air temperatures expected by climate change puts an unprecedented heat burden on Viennese inhabitants, which cannot easily be reduced by measures concerning buildings within the city itself. Additionally, measures such as planting trees to provide shade, regional water sensitive planning and global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in order to reduce temperature extremes are required.


考虑气候变化、城市发展情景和 21 世纪中叶恢复措施的中欧大都市热浪期间的热条件

在这项研究中,我们提出了两种城市发展情景,以估计潜在的城市扩张和建筑施工的优化发展,并模拟它们对气温、地表温度和人体热舒适度的影响。我们选择了两个代表 21 世纪中叶当前和未来状况的热浪,并使用城镇能量平衡模型 (TEB) 在线和离线耦合天气研究和预测模型 (WRF) 进行模拟。RCP8.5情景下的全球和区域气候变化导致维也纳每日最高气温增加7 K,每日最低气温将增加2-4 K。城市增长或致密化引起的变化主要影响新型城镇化发生的局部地区的气温和人体热舒适度,而在中心地区影响不显着。近零能源标准和城市尺度上建筑材料的增加反照率相结合,通过将城市参数的变化(最小值为 0.9 K,最大值为 0.2 K)的变化,实现了城市峡谷温度的最大降低。不同适应措施的局部尺度变化表明,单独的建筑物保温使最高壁面温度增加10 K以上或峡谷中的最大平均辐射温度(MRT)增加5 K。 因此,降低城市峡谷内MRT的措施需要树荫来补充拟议的措施。这项研究得出的结论是,气候变化导致的气温上升给维也纳居民带来了前所未有的热负担,而这无法通过有关城市内部建筑物的措施轻易减轻。此外,还需要采取植树遮荫、区域水敏感规划和全球减少温室气体排放等措施,以减少极端温度。