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Intimate Partner Violence Experiences Among Puerto Rican Mothers
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1177/0886260520944556
Maria Natal 1

This qualitative, transcendental, phenomenological study explored the subjective experiences of Puerto Rican mothers, aged 18 and older, who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) and their perceptions of how provider and law enforcement approaches to screening impacted disclosure. Participant recruitment was coordinated with gatekeepers, and community and domestic violence organizations, who posted bilingual flyers. A total of nine Puerto Rican woman aged 18 and older who experienced IPV participated and agreed to consent to audio-recorded interviews. Data analysis integrated content and thematic procedures, including transcribing, reading, auditing, and coding the interviews based on statements, quotes, and sentences, then grouped into themes that captured the essence of their lived experiences. The IPV was perpetrated primarily by the children’s biological fathers and escalated over time. Four of the eight participants (one was lost to follow-up) had been screened while seeking medical care for IPV-related injuries, two disclosed their IPV, and one of the two was provided with a referral for IPV resources. All had multiple previous encounters with law enforcement but were afraid and ashamed to disclose the IPV. Lack of disclosure was associated with Hispanic cultural values and norms that included collectivism or keeping group cohesiveness, familism that socially emphasizes the family unit, marianismo as an ascribed female gender role of self-sacrifice and caregiving, and threats that their children would be removed from the home. Most of the women did not have knowledge of resources available to them and wanted to keep the family unit together. All believed they would be blamed for the incidents. Major implications include the need for multilanguage and multimedia campaigns to improve access to information, transparency with IPV screenings that may influence IPV disclosure, and systemwide education that addresses mother-blaming.



这项定性的、先验的、现象学研究探讨了 18 岁及以上经历过亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 的波多黎各母亲的主观体验,以及她们对提供者和执法部门筛查方法如何影响披露的看法。参与者的招募与看门人、社区和家庭暴力组织协调,他们张贴了双语传单。共有 9 名 18 岁及以上经历过 IPV 的波多黎各妇女参与并同意接受录音采访。数据分析整合了内容和主题程序,包括根据陈述、引语和句子对访谈进行转录、阅读、审计和编码,然后将其分组为捕捉他们生活经历本质的主题。IPV 主要由孩子的生父实施,并随着时间的推移而升级。八名参与者中有四名(一名失访)在寻求 IPV 相关伤害的医疗护理时接受了筛查,两名披露了他们的 IPV,其中一名获得了 IPV 资源的转介。所有人都曾多次与执法部门接触,但害怕和羞于披露 IPV。缺乏披露与西班牙文化价值观和规范有关,包括集体主义或保持群体凝聚力、在社会上强调家庭单位的家庭主义、并且向其中之一提供了 IPV 资源的推荐。所有人都曾多次与执法部门接触,但害怕和羞于披露 IPV。缺乏披露与西班牙文化价值观和规范有关,包括集体主义或保持群体凝聚力、在社会上强调家庭单位的家庭主义、并且向其中之一提供了 IPV 资源的推荐。所有人都曾多次与执法部门接触,但害怕和羞于披露 IPV。缺乏披露与西班牙文化价值观和规范有关,包括集体主义或保持群体凝聚力、在社会上强调家庭单位的家庭主义、marianismo被认为是自我牺牲和照顾的女性性别角色,并威胁他们的孩子将被带离家庭。大多数妇女不了解她们可用的资源,并希望将家庭团结在一起。所有人都认为他们会为这些事件负责。主要影响包括需要开展多语言和多媒体活动以改善信息获取、可能影响 IPV 披露的 IPV 筛查的透明度,以及解决母亲责备问题的全系统教育。
