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Valencian sociolinguistics: Aracil, Ninyoles and the minority question
Journal of Sociolinguistics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1111/josl.12473
Joan Pujolar 1

This text provides a review of the earlier and more influential works of Valencian sociolinguists Lluís Vicent Aracil and Rafael Lluís Ninyoles, which had a significant impact in the field from the 1960s to the 1980s, particularly in a number of European minoritized language communities and Latin America. I provide a summary account of their main theoretical innovations, embodied in concepts such as “language conflict,” “linguistic normalization,” “linguistic ideologies,” and “self‐hate”, and I follow up how these concepts were taken up by a number of social movements of linguistic revitalization. To do so, I begin with an account of the social and political conditions that the two authors confronted in their youth, namely the diglossia between Catalan and Spanish in their native Valencian Country, which at the time was under the rule of the dictator Francisco Franco in Spain. After the historical and theoretical appraisal, I follow up the trail of their ideas amongst sociolinguists and language activists in Occitania, Germany, Switzerland, Wales, Mexico, and the Andes, and I assess their impact in the ways in which linguistic minoritization has been constructed from an international perspective.



本文对瓦伦西亚社会语言学家LluísVicent Aracil和RafaelLluísNinyoles的较早期和更有影响力的著作进行了回顾,这些著作在1960年代至1980年代对该领域产生了重大影响,尤其是在许多欧洲少数民族语言社区和拉丁美洲。我简要介绍了它们的主要理论创新,这些创新体现在诸如“语言冲突”,“语言规范化”,“语言意识形态”和“自恨”之类的概念中,并且我跟踪了这​​些概念是如何被人类所接受的。语言复兴的社会运动的数量。为此,我首先介绍两位作者在青年时期所面临的社会和政治状况,即在他们的故乡巴伦西亚国家加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语之间的比较。当时由西班牙的独裁者弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)统治。经过历史和理论上的评估之后,我在奥西塔尼亚,德国,瑞士,威尔士,墨西哥和安第斯山脉的社会语言学家和语言活动家中追踪了他们的思想轨迹,并评估了他们在构建语言少数民族化方面的影响从国际角度来看。