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Optimal Operation of a Parallel Multireservoir System for Flood Control using a Stagewise Compensation Method
Water Resources Management ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s11269-021-02803-9
Di Zhu , Yadong Mei , Xinfa Xu , Zhangjun Liu , Zhenhui Wu , Hao Cai

Optimal operation of multireservoir flood control systems is a nonlinear and high-dimensional problem. For a parallel multireservoir system, the impact of joint compensation flood control operation for each reservoir on reducing the peak flow downstream should be considered. This study proposed an optimization method called the stagewise compensation method (SWCM) for flood control operation of a parallel multireservoir system based on the concept of three-stage flood control operation and compensation flood control operation. The dynamic programming-progressive optimality algorithm (DP-POA) was also implemented to verify the solutions of SWCM. The Ji’an parallel multireservoir system was selected as a case study. The results show that SWCM can decompose a parallel multireservoir system into a single-reservoir system and consider the impact of the joint compensation operation for each reservoir on reducing peak flow in the downstream area. When applying SWCM, the reduction rate of typical and 10-year, 20-year, 30-year, 50-year and 100-year designed flood peaks at Ji’an hydrological station can reach over 12% on average, which is great progress compared with conventional flood control operation rules and DP-POA.



