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Thermal-hydraulic analysis of FAIDUS design for severe accident mitigation strategy in a medium size sodium-cooled fast reactor
Nuclear Engineering and Design ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2021.111222
Prasant Kumar Panigrahi , K. Velusamy

The impediment of core disruption is realized through the provision of diverse and redundant safety features in the design complemented by the use of inherent passive mechanisms that respond to the accident condition by ensuring convenient dispersal of molten core material from the core in the early stage of the accident. In light of this, a promising design strategy Fuel Assembly Inner DUct Structure (FAIDUS) core concept is proposed to enhance the axial discharge capability of molten fuel from core for the exclusion of core wide melt pool formation. The sequence of event during the course of relocation in the FAIDUS is analysed employing a transient integrated thermal-hydraulic model. The effectual performance of various FAIDUS design options in mitigating the accident is evaluated. Based on this, the preferred design choice conforming the laid down criteria is selected in the present study. The simulation results suggest that FAIDUS design concept delivers the best alternative way for extenuating accident progress through a comprehensive melt relocation strategy of greater reliability in an intrinsic way.



