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Effects of invasive wetland macrophytes on habitat selection and movement by freshwater turtles
Biological Invasions ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02505-8
Siow Yan Jennifer Angoh , Joanna Freeland , James Paterson , Prabha Amali Rupasinghe , Christina M. Davy

Invasive species can significantly impact native wildlife by structurally altering habitats and access to resources. Understanding how native species respond to habitat modification by invasive species can inform effective habitat restoration, avoiding inadvertent harm to species at risk. The invasive graminoids Phragmites australis australis (hereafter Phragmites) and Typha ×  glauca are increasingly dominating Nearctic wetlands, often outcompeting native vegetation. Previous research suggests that turtles may avoid invasive Phragmites when moving through their home ranges, but the mechanisms driving avoidance are unclear. We tested two hypotheses that could explain avoidance of invaded habitat: (1) that stands of invasive macrophytes (Phragmites and Typha x glauca) impede movement, and (2) that they provide inadequate thermal conditions for turtles. We quantified active-season movements of E. blandingii (n = 14, 1328 relocations) and spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata; n = 12, 2295 relocations) in a coastal wetland in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Neither hypothesis was supported by the data. Phragmites and mixed-species Typha stands occurred within the home ranges of mature, active E. blandingii and C. guttata, and were used similarly to most other available habitats, regardless of macrophyte stem density. Turtles using stands of invasive macrophytes did not experience restricted movements or cooler shell temperatures compared to other wetland habitat types. Control of invasive macrophytes can restore habitat heterogeneity and benefit native wetland species. However, such restoration work should be informed by the presence of at-risk turtles, as heavy machinery used for control or removal may injure turtles that use these stands as habitat.



外来入侵物种可通过在结构上改变栖息地和获取资源的方式,极大地影响本地野生动植物。了解本地物种如何对入侵物种对生境的改变做出反应可以为有效的生境恢复提供信息,避免对濒危物种的无意伤害。侵入性禾草芦苇芦苇(以下称芦苇)和香蒲 × 青冈正越来越多地占据新北区湿地,经常outcompeting原生植被。先前的研究表明,乌龟可以避免侵入性芦苇在穿越其家乡范围时,但避免回避的机制尚不清楚。我们测试了两个可以解释避免入侵栖息地的假说:(1)入侵性大型植物(芦苇香蒲x glauca)阻碍运动,以及(2)它们为乌龟提供的热条件不足。我们对劳伦田大湖沿岸湿地中的斑节肠杆菌(n = 14,1328迁移)和斑海龟(Clemmys guttata; n = 12,2295迁移)的活动季节运动进行了量化。数据均未支持任何假设。芦苇杂种香蒲林分发生在成熟活跃的大肠杆菌(E. blandingii)的家园范围内以及C. guttataC. guttata,无论大型植物茎的密度如何,都与大多数其他可用的栖息地类似地使用。与其他湿地生境类型相比,使用入侵性大型植物生境的乌龟没有活动受限或壳温较低的现象。控制入侵的大型植物可以恢复生境的异质性,并使本地湿地物种受益。但是,这种恢复工作应以存在危险的海龟为依据,因为用于控制或清除的重型机械可能会伤害以这些林分作为栖息地的海龟。
