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Qatari ethnopolitical entrepreneurs during the blockade: the further consolidation of national identity
Third World Quarterly ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1901569
Waleed Serhan 1, 2


The article examines the further consolidation of Qatari national identity during the blockade imposed on Qatar in 2017 by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt. It employs Rogers Brubaker’s conceptualisation of ‘ethnopolitical entrepreneurs’ to analyse how Qatari state and state-aligned actors evoked values defining the Qatari character and myths defining the Qatari nation state. The article argues that while these values mostly resonated among citizens and residents, there were also limits to the reach of Qatari ethnopolitical entrepreneurs. It thereby offers insights into the dynamics of ethnopolitical entrepreneurship within the context of a monarchical, non-democratic state. The findings are supported by 135 semi-structured interviews, six focus groups, and media content analysis of key events preceding and during the blockade.




本文探讨了在 2017 年沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、巴林和埃及对卡塔尔实施封锁期间卡塔尔民族认同的进一步巩固。它采用罗杰斯·布鲁贝克 (Rogers Brubaker) 对“民族政治企业家”的概念化来分析卡塔尔国家和与国家结盟的行为者如何唤起定义卡塔尔性格的价值观和定义卡塔尔民族国家的神话。文章认为,虽然这些价值观主要在公民和居民中产生共鸣,但卡塔尔民族政治企业家的影响力也有限。因此,它提供了对君主制、非民主国家背景下民族政治创业动态的见解。调查结果得到了 135 次半结构化访谈、六个焦点小组、
