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“We are in Cyprus, we have to use our language, don't we?” Pupils’ and their parents’ attitudes towards two proximal linguistic varieties
Linguistics and Education ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.linged.2021.100931
Constantina Fotiou , Ioli Ayiomamitou

The ideas, values and stereotypes associated with different linguistic varieties in specific communities that are reflected in people's attitudes toward those varieties and their speakers are acquired through social practices and institutions of replication, such as the institution of family and education. These are contexts where language ideologies are produced and reproduced and, consequently, form and affect people's language attitudes. This study examines elementary school aged children's and their parents’ language attitudes in the Greek-speaking community in Cyprus. This community is diglossic with Standard Modern Greek (SMG) being the High variety and Cypriot Greek (CG), the native language of the people, being the Low variety. The study examines whether the participants’ sex, place of residence, education level, and their perceived ability to use the two varieties affect their attitudes towards the two varieties, the people who use them and their views on the introduction of CG to education. The data are collected via questionnaires and interviews and are analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis of the data shows that parents hold more prescriptive ideas about language than the pupils and assign status and superiority only to speakers of the standard variety. At the same time, females in both groups show a tendency to favour the standard variety and standard language speakers while adult males favour the non-standard variety. Overall, the pupils’ language attitudes are positive towards both varieties and those who use them. Unlike their parents, pupils perceive their place of residence (whether it is urban or rural) as a factor that affects the frequency of their use of the two varieties. Data from their language performance at school give credit to their claim. Finally, the pupils seem to value their native language and seek its use at school not only because it is easier for them to understand the lesson, but also because they view it as part of their identity. Their parents do not seem to share their children's views, and when they do claim that CG has a place in education in Cyprus, CG is only accepted in oral communication. The examination of the findings is framed with a discussion of two important ideologies cultivated in Greek Cypriot schools: the ideology of the standard language and the ideology of ethnic nationalism.


“我们在塞浦路斯,我们必须使用我们的语言,不是吗?” 小学生及其父母对两种近端语言变种的态度

与特定社区中不同语言变体相关的思想,价值观和定型观念反映在人们对这些变体及其说话者的态度中,这是通过社会实践和复制机构(例如家庭和教育机构)获得的。在这些语境中,语言意识形态得以产生和再现,从而形成并影响人们的语言态度。这项研究调查了塞浦路斯希腊语社区中小学年龄儿童及其父母的语言态度。这个社区非常不熟悉,其中标准现代希腊语(SMG)是高变种,而塞浦路斯人希腊语(CG)是人们的母语,是低变种。该研究检查参与者的性别,居住地,受教育程度,以及他们对这两个品种的使用能力,影响了他们对这两个品种的态度,使用它们的人以及他们对将CG引入教育的看法。通过问卷调查和访谈收集数据,并进行定量和定性分析。对数据的分析表明,父母对语言的理解要比小学生多,并且只将地位和优越性分配给标准语言的使用者。同时,两组中的女性都有倾向使用标准品种和标准语言的倾向,而成年男性则倾向于非标准品种。总体而言,小学生对于多种语言和使用它们的人的语言态度都是积极的。不像父母 学生将居住地(无论是城市还是农村)视为影响使用这两个品种的频率的因素。他们在学校的语言表现数据证明了他们的主张。最后,学生们似乎很珍惜他们的母语,并在学校中寻求母语的使用,这不仅是因为它使他们更容易理解本课,而且因为他们将其视为自己的身份的一部分。他们的父母似乎并没有分享孩子的观点,当他们声称CG在塞浦路斯的教育中占有一席之地时,CG仅在口头交流中被接受。对调查结果的审查以对希族塞人学校培养的两种重要意识形态的讨论为框架:标准语言意识形态和民族民族主义意识形态。他们在学校的语言表现数据证明了他们的主张。最后,学生们似乎很珍惜他们的母语,并在学校中寻求母语的使用,这不仅是因为它使他们更容易理解本课,而且因为他们将其视为自己的身份的一部分。他们的父母似乎并没有分享孩子的观点,当他们声称CG在塞浦路斯的教育中占有一席之地时,CG仅在口头交流中被接受。对调查结果的审查以对希族塞人学校培养的两种重要意识形态的讨论为框架:标准语言意识形态和民族民族主义意识形态。他们在学校的语言表现数据证明了他们的主张。最后,学生们似乎很珍惜他们的母语,并在学校中寻求母语的使用,这不仅是因为它使他们更容易理解本课,而且因为他们将其视为自己的身份的一部分。他们的父母似乎没有分享他们孩子的观点,当他们确实宣称CG在塞浦路斯的教育中占有一席之地时,CG仅在口头交流中被接受。对调查结果的审查以对希族塞人学校培养的两种重要意识形态的讨论为框架:标准语言意识形态和民族民族主义意识形态。学生似乎珍视他们的母语,并在学校中寻求使用该语言,这不仅是因为它使他们更容易理解本课,而且因为他们将其视为自己的身份的一部分。他们的父母似乎并没有分享孩子的观点,当他们声称CG在塞浦路斯的教育中占有一席之地时,CG仅在口头交流中被接受。对调查结果的审查以对希族塞人学校培养的两种重要意识形态的讨论为框架:标准语言意识形态和民族民族主义意识形态。学生似乎珍视他们的母语,并在学校寻求使用该语言,这不仅是因为它使他们更容易理解本课,而且因为他们将其视为自己的身份的一部分。他们的父母似乎并没有分享孩子的观点,当他们声称CG在塞浦路斯的教育中占有一席之地时,CG仅在口头交流中被接受。对调查结果的审查以对希族塞人学校培养的两种重要意识形态的讨论为框架:标准语言意识形态和民族民族主义意识形态。
