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Variations on Consent
Hastings Center Report ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1002/hast.1237
Gregory E. Kaebnick

Two articles in the March‐April 2021 issue of the Hastings Center Report consider alterations to traditional informed consent. In “The Consent Continuum: A New Model of Consent, Assent, and Nondissent for Primary Care,” Marc Tunzi and colleagues argue that, in primary care settings, patient consent should be understood as taking a range of forms depending on the procedure, the patient, and the patient‐care context. Traditional informed consent is at the ceremonious end; for many things done in these settings, the authors assert, assent or even nondissent is fine. In the lead article, health policy scholars Stephanie Morain and Emily Largent consider another continuum for informed consent, this one occurring with pragmatic research, at the intersection of clinical care with research.



黑斯廷斯中心报告》( Hastings Center Report)于2021年3月至4月出版,其中有两篇文章考虑了对传统知情同意书的修改。Marc Tunzi及其同事认为,在“同意连续体:基层医疗机构同意,同意和不反对的新模式”中,在基层医疗机构中,应将患者的同意理解为采取多种形式,具体取决于手术程序,患者以及患者护理环境。传统的知情同意处于礼节性的结尾;对于在这些环境中完成的许多事情,作者断言,表示同意或什至持不同意见都是可以的。在第一篇文章中,卫生政策学者斯蒂芬妮·莫兰(Stephanie Morain)和艾米丽·朗格特(Emily Largent)考虑了另一种知情同意的连续体,这是在临床护理与研究的交汇处进行的务实研究