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An Iambic Quotation in Plato’s Timaeus
Mnemosyne ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1163/1568525x-12347309
Garth Tissol 1

At Timaeus 86d2 Plato quotes a line and a third of iambic trimeter probably from an unknown tragedy, possibly from a comedy. Its context is Timaeus’ argument that one suffering from diseases of the soul is often considered willingly bad, but wrongly so: οὐχ ὡς νοσῶν ἀλλὡς ἑκὼν κακὸς κακῶς | δοξάζεται, ‘he is wrongly considered not as sick but as willingly bad’. This quotation has not to my knowledge been noted in scholarship. The prosaic vocabulary of the quotation is reminiscent of Euripides, whereas its theme links it to Deianeira’s remarks on the disease of eros in Sophocles’ Trachiniae. As transmitted in Parisinus A and printed in modern editions, the quotation is metrically defective, lacking the word κακῶς. I argue that it was lost by haplography and ought to be restored, as was proposed in the commentary of a sixteenth-century translator, Cornarius (1561).



蒂迈欧篇86d2柏拉图引述线和抑扬trimeter大概从一个名不见经传的悲剧第三,可能是从一个喜剧。它的背景是提马乌斯(Timaeu​​s)的论点,即人们通常认为一个患有心灵疾病的人是坏的,但错误地认为:ολχὡςνοσῶνἀλλ' ὡςἑκὼνκακὸςκακῶς | δοξάζεται,“他被错误地认为不是病了,而是被认为是坏人”。据我所知,这句话在学术界还没有被注意到。引文的平淡词汇让人想起Euripides,而其主题将其与Deianeira关于Sophocles的Trachiniae中的色情疾病的言论联系起来。正如在Parisinus A中传输并以现代版本印刷的那样,该报价存在缺陷,缺少该词κακῶς。我认为它已被航海摄影术迷失了,应该予以修复,正如十六世纪译者康纳留斯(1561)的评论所建议的那样。
