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Political Authority and Local Agency: Cilicia Pedias and Syria between the Seleucid Empire and the Roman Republic
Mnemosyne ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1163/1568525x-bja10064
Bradley Jordan 1

This paper aims to show how local civic communities, nominally subject to the Seleucid dynasts, integrated Roman magistrates into an existing framework of authority during the late second and early first centuries BCE. I argue that as Roman magistrates played an increasingly significant role in the region, cities initially framed them in quasi-regal terms, which their interlocutors consciously accepted. Through a close reading of two Roman letters to the Cilician city of Mopsuestia, dated to 87 BCE (SEG 44.1227), and analysis of literary, epigraphic, and numismatic evidence for the final collapse of Seleucid authority in the early 60s BCE, I reveal that this was a locally driven process. Consequently, local agents played a critical role in both legitimising Roman hegemony in local contexts and encouraging Roman intervention within the region.



本文旨在说明名义上服从塞琉古王朝的地方公民社区如何在公元前二世纪末一世纪初将罗马地方法官整合到现有的权力框架中。我认为,随着罗马地方法官在该地区发挥越来越重要的作用,城市最初将它们以准规则的形式进行了构架,其对话者有意识地接受了这些规则。通过仔细阅读公元前87写给Cilician市Mopsuestia的两封罗马书信(SEG 44.1227),并分析了塞琉古王朝在公元前60年代初最终垮台的文学,人口学和钱币学证据。,我发现这是一个本地驱动的过程。因此,当地特工在使罗马霸权在当地背景下合法化以及鼓励罗马人对该地区进行干预方面都起着至关重要的作用。
