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The impact of the traceability of the information systems on humanitarian logistics performance: Case study of Indonesian relief logistics services
Cogent Business & Management ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2021.1906052
Ilyas Masudin 1 , Evan Lau 2 , Nika Tampi Safitri 1 , Dian Palupi Restuputri 1 , Dwi Iryaning Handayani 3


This article investigates the impact of traceability of the quality of the information system on humanitarian logistics performance. There are four variables studied, namely electronic data interchange (EDI) adoption, blockchain (BC) adoption, radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption, traceability of humanitarian logistics, and humanitarian logistics performance. This research was conducted to assess disaster logistics services in the implementation of service principles in humanitarian logistics. The conceptual model is modeled by introducing three information technologies as independent variables and the humanitarian traceability and logistics performance as dependent variables. The questionnaire was distributed to 96 respondents, and the data was processed using PLS-SEM 2.0. The results show that EDI adoption has no significant effect on the traceability of humanitarian logistics. In contrast, BC and RFID adoption has a significant effect on the traceability of humanitarian logistics. In addition, this study also shows that humanitarian logistics traceability has a significant impact on humanitarian logistics performance.




本文研究了信息系统质量的可追溯性对人道主义后勤绩效的影响。研究了四个变量,即电子数据交换(EDI)的采用,区块链(BC)的采用,射频识别(RFID)的采用,人道主义物流的可追溯性以及人道主义物流的绩效。进行这项研究是为了评估人道主义后勤服务原则实施中的灾难后勤服务。通过引入三种信息技术作为自变量以及人道主义可追溯性和后勤绩效作为因变量来对概念模型进行建模。该问卷已分发给96位受访者,并使用PLS-SEM 2.0处理了数据。结果表明,采用EDI对人道主义后勤的可追溯性没有重大影响。相反,采用不列颠哥伦比亚省和RFID对人道主义后勤的可追溯性具有重大影响。此外,这项研究还表明,人道主义后勤的可追溯性对人道主义后勤的绩效有重大影响。
