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Interpersonal Relationships in the 1996–1997 Japanese Embassy Hostage Crisis in Peru: A View from Relational Development Theory
Journal of Applied Security Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1080/19361610.2021.1908102
Andy Nguyen 1 , Jonathan Matusitz 2


This paper applies relational development theory to the Japanese embassy hostage crisis that took place in Lima, Peru (from December 1996 to April 1997). During the hostage crisis, members of the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), a Peruvian terrorist organization, stormed the Japanese embassy in Lima and took hundreds of people hostage. They presented their demands to the Peruvian government in exchange for the safety of the hostages. Developed by Mark L. Knapp, the theory describes how interactants—e.g., couples, negotiators, and so forth—go through relationship stages to strengthen their interpersonal communication or social bond. In this conceptual analysis, two important relationships are explored: (1) The relationship between the MRTA and the hostages and (2) the relationship between the MRTA and the Peruvian government (including President Fujimori). Overall, the authors of this analysis found that the MRTA-hostage relationship was ultimately more favorable than the Fujimori-MRTA relationship.




本文将关系发展理论应用于秘鲁利马(1996 年 12 月至 1997 年 4 月)发生的日本大使馆人质危机。在人质危机期间,秘鲁恐怖组织图帕克·阿马鲁革命运动 (MRTA) 的成员冲进了日本驻利马大使馆,劫持了数百人作为人质。他们向秘鲁政府提出要求,以换取人质的安全。该理论由 Mark L. Knapp 开发,描述了互动者(例如夫妻、谈判者等)如何通过关系阶段来加强他们的人际沟通或社会纽带。在这个概念分析中,探索了两个重要的关系:(1)MRTA与人质的关系;(2)MRTA与秘鲁政府(包括藤森总统)的关系。总体而言,该分析的作者发现 MRTA-人质关系最终比 Fujimori-MRTA 关系更有利。
