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Suspicion and Evidence: Manuscript Sources of the Hermeneutic Gates of German Pietism
Jewish History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10835-021-09382-7
Daniel Abrams

This study presents a new manuscript witness for the hermeneutics gates that Eleazar of Worms apparently presented as the basis of the esoteric lore he received from his teacher, R. Judah he-Ḥasid. Eleazar of Worms has been widely acknowledged as the recipient of the secrets of German Pietism and the author of the library of texts that would represent the movement. Sefer ha-Ḥokhmah, the Book of Wisdom purports to be the first literary work he composed just after the death of R. Judah. All surviving manuscript copies of Sefer ha-Ḥokhmah were produced in a later period, and studies have shown that later Kabbalistic texts and themes were reworked into what was initially penned by R. Eleazar. Discovery of the gates in an early Ashkenazic manuscript free of any sign of Kabbalistic revision offers new evidence that grounds at least some of the writing and esoteric lore of Ḥasidei Ashkenaz prior to its later use and revision. This study further delves into the R. Eleazar’s self-awareness as the authoritative voice of German Pietism and proposes that scholars consider the role of rhetoric and the narrative function of Eleazar as the sole agent of literary production, whether or not that was indeed the case at the time he wrote this text. The tension between the scholarly suspicion about the historical veracity of the sources and the textual evidence available is thus highlighted for further consideration. The study concludes with a transcription of all the manuscript texts of the hermeneutic gates.



这项研究为解释学之门提供了一个新的手稿见证者,蠕虫的伊莱扎尔显然是他从他的老师R. Judah he-asid那里获得的神秘传说的基础。蠕虫病毒以利亚撒(Eleazar of Worms)被公认为是德国虔敬主义秘密的接受者,也是代表这一运动的文献图书馆的作者。Seferha-Ḥokhmah《智慧书》据称是R. Judah死后创作的第一部文学作品。Seferha-Ḥokhmah的所有尚存手稿副本作品是在后期创作的,研究表明,后来的卡巴拉主义文字和主题被重新编入最初由R. Eleazar创作的作品。在早期的阿什肯纳兹手稿中发现门,没有任何卡巴拉主义的修订迹象,提供了新的证据,证明至少在sideasidei Ashkenaz的书写和神秘知识基础上加以应用和修订。这项研究进一步探讨了R. Eleazar的自我意识作为德国虔敬主义的权威声音,并建议学者们将Eleazar的修辞作用和叙事功能视为文学生产的唯一推动者,无论是否确实如此。在他写这篇文章的时候。因此,对有关来源的历史真实性的学术怀疑与现有文本证据之间的紧张关系被强调,以供进一步考虑。该研究的结论是解释门的所有手抄本的抄写。
