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Water productivity and net profit of high-density olive orchards in San Juan, Argentina
Agricultural Water Management ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.106878
Facundo Vita Serman , Francisco Orgaz , Gabriela Starobinsky , Flavio Capraro , Elias Fereres

Olive cultivation in Argentina has experienced an important expansion based on large-scale development of high-density (HD) olive orchards. Intensification has led to yield increases, but, because of the high annual ETo and low rainfall, olive production must rely heavily on irrigation. The aim of this work was to determine the yield response to variable water supply of a HD, tall olive orchard, and to assess the economic water productivity (WP) of the olive, growing in an environment where the water resource is extremely scarce. During three seasons in an olive orchard (cv. “Arbequina”), we evaluated seven irrigation regimes which supplied 120% (T120), 100% (T100), 90% (T90), 80% (T80), 70% (T70), 60% (T60) y 40% (T40) of the estimated ETc. After the first year, which was considered of transition, the next two growing seasons exhibited a clear decline in yield in response to the irrigation decline, with the reduction in fruit yield related to both fruit numbers and fruit size. A third degree polynomial function was fitted to treatment averages (R2 = 0.99). The maximum oil production (ca = 3080 kg oil ha-1) was obtained with 860 mm of irrigation. The marginal WP reached a maximum (5.9 kg oil ha-1 mm-1) at 550 mm of irrigation and declined thereafter, reaching zero at 860 mm. In economic terms, the grower achieves maximum returns (US$ 3140 ha-1) at 850 mm of irrigation. With the cost of water increasing from the present US$ 0.04 m-3 to US$0.24 m-3, the maximum net profit would be reduced by up to 53% (US$ 1476 ha-1), however, it would be achieved at a similar irrigation level (820 mm). If in the near future water scarcity in the region makes it difficult to maintain the present levels of water supply, aimed at maximizing profits, there will be the need to impose restrictions through resource conservation policies to reach an equilibrium between economic, environmental, and sustainability goals.



基于高密度(HD)橄榄果园的大规模开发,阿根廷的橄榄种植经历了重要的扩张。集约化导致单产增加,但由于每年的ETo高和降雨少,橄榄的生产必须严重依赖灌溉。这项工作的目的是确定对高位,高产橄榄果园可变供水的产量响应,并评估在水资源极为匮乏的环境中生长的橄榄的经济水生产率(WP)。在橄榄园(cv。“ Arbequina”)的三个季节中,我们评估了七个灌溉制度,分别提供120%(T 120),100%(T 100),90%(T 90),80%(T 80), 70%(T 70),60%(T60)y估计的ETc的40%(T 40)。在考虑过渡的第一年之后,由于灌溉的减少,接下来的两个生长季节的产量明显下降,水果产量的下降与果实数量和果实大小有关。将三次多项式函数拟合至治疗平均值(R 2 = 0.99)。在860毫米的灌溉条件下获得了最高采油量(ca = 3080 kg油ha -1)。边际WP在550 mm灌溉时达到最大值(5.9 kg油-1 -1 mm -1),此后下降,在860 mm时为零。从经济角度讲,种植者获得了最大的回报(3140美元/公顷-1)在850毫米的灌溉水量下。随着水的成本从目前的40万美元-3增加到24万美元-3,最大净利润将减少多达53%(1476 ha -1美元),但是,这将在相似的灌溉水位(820毫米)。如果在不久的将来该地区缺水使维持最大水平的水供应难以实现利润最大化,那么就必须通过资源节约政策施加限制,以实现经济,环境和可持续性之间的平衡。目标。
