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Television in/of the banal Anthropocene: Introduction
Screen ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjab006
Julia Leyda , Diane Negra

Climate change occupies a recurring place in news headlines and provides the premise for an array of disaster and extreme weather films; numerous studies in broadcast news, print and online media, fiction film and television have taken up the significance of climate change and extreme weather. The continued relevance of this impulse in new research is undeniable, as global temperature records continue to be broken and extreme weather becomes normalized in the global North (as it has been for longer in other regions). As we have argued elsewhere, only changes in quotidian experience – the growing frequency of extreme weather events and their increasing prominence in the North American media – will effectively foster a wider public recognition of climate change in the USA that is more in line with the rest of the developed world.11 This recognition, as Americans and Europeans are forced to cope with the discomforts and dangers of extended heatwaves, floods, landslides, hurricanes and superstorms, has slowly become manifest in public opinion polls. Between 2014 and 2019, the number of Americans who described their attitude towards climate change as ‘alarmed’ (the most concerned of six categories in the surveys) more than tripled, and a majority believed climate change was to some degree fuelling extreme weather.22 Similar attitudinal shifts are occurring in the UK as more people experience extreme weather first-hand.33 In this sense, as a result of a ‘new normal’ baseline experience of anthropogenic climate change, extreme weather is becoming more and more banal, a part of everyday life for growing numbers of people.



气候变化在新闻头条中反复出现,并为一系列灾难和极端天气电影提供了前提。广播新闻,印刷媒体和在线媒体,小说电影和电视中的许多研究已经探讨了气候变化和极端天气的重要性。不可否认,这一冲动在新研究中的持续意义是不可否认的,因为全球温度记录继续被打破,并且全球北部的极端天气已经恢复正常(其他地区已经持续了更长的时间)。正如我们在其他地方所论证的那样,只有quotidian经验的变化(极端天气事件的频率不断增加以及它们在北美媒体中的重要性不断提高)才能有效地促进公众对美国气候变化的更广泛认识,这与其他方面更加一致11这种认识,是由于美国人和欧洲人被迫应对持续的热浪,洪水,山体滑坡,飓风和超级暴风雨所带来的不适和危险,在民意测验中已逐渐显现出来。在2014年至2019年之间,将自己对气候变化的态度描述为“警报”(调查中六个类别中最关注的一种)的美国人数量增加了两倍多,并且大多数人认为气候变化在某种程度上助长了极端天气。2 2随着越来越多的人亲身经历极端天气,英国发生了类似的态度转变3 3 从这个意义上讲,由于人为气候变化的“新常态”基准经验,极端天气变得越来越平淡,这是越来越多的人日常生活的一部分。