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A novel proscess for waste polyvinyl chloride recycling: plant growth substrate development
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2021.105475
Jun-Ping Zhang , Cong-Cong Zhang , Fu-Shen Zhang

The disposal of waste polyvinyl chloride plastics (PVC) has become a major challenge due to the generation of chlorinated pollutants. In the current study, a new process was developed to produce a novel growth substrate with waste PVC and superabsorbent resin (SAR) as raw materials. The main merits were that no hazardous chlorinated by-products were formed under low reaction temperature and a chemical bridge was constructed between SAR and waste PVC via free radical reaction which effectively prevented the loss of SAR and guaranteed sustainable water supply. Structure and morphology studies confirmed that SAR was firstly modified by various silane coupling agents, then incorporated into waste PVC to prepare the substrate by compression-molding foaming process. The maximum water absorbing ratio of the product reached 623% with only 1.65% mass loss under optimum conditions. Moreover, the tensile strength, elongation at break and compression strength of the substrate increased by 84.37%, 52.53%, and 6.47% than the untreated case, respectively. Furthermore, the swelling behavior, reusability and plant cultivation capacity of the new product were also studied systematically. This study provides an efficient process to recycle waste PVC for a sustainable and cost-effective growth substrate preparation.



