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Enhanced terrestrial organic matter burial in the marine shales of Yangtze platform during the early Carboniferous interglacial interval
Marine and Petroleum Geology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105064
Yaowen Wu , Hui Tian , Tengfei Li , Sui Ji , Zeyang Liu , Xianming Xiao , Luhua Xie

The supply and preservation of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) during early Carboniferous glacial-interglacial intervals in South China were investigated with respect to their roles in paleo-environmental variation and organic matter (OM) accumulation in black shales. The marine redox proxies such as V/Cr, Corg/P ratios, and Mo–U covariation indicate a fully oxic water condition during the earliest Visean, while dominant oxic with occasional suboxic water conditions prevailed during the early to middle Visean. High sedimentary δ15N values (1.9–6.3‰) suggest the existence of enhanced water-column denitrification in the expanded oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) during the earliest Visean, whereas lower δ15N values (avg. 2.6‰) during the early to middle Visean indicate a decreasing water column denitrification in the reduced OMZs. Both the organic matter compositions and the relationship between Corg/N ratios and δ13Corg values indicate a significant contribution of terrestrial OM in the marine sediments, and the low abundance of marine OM is mainly attributed to the low paleoproductivity as evidenced by low P/Ti and Ba/Al ratios. One reason for such a high contribution of TOM is that a large amount of plant debris and wildfire-derived OM was preserved during Tournaisian glacier time and then released and buried rapidly in the marine sediments during the interglacial interval of Visean due to the temperature-driven glacial melting. The rapid transportation of large quantity of TOM from land to ocean may have resulted in remarkable drawdown of atmospheric pCO2 and subsequent cool climate, as evidenced by the decoupled relationship between δ13Corg and δ13Ccarb values. In summary, the sinking of TOM flux during the sea level lowstand and highstand may be the controlling factor for the paleo-environmental variation as well as OM accumulation in the Visean black shales.



研究了华南地区石炭纪早期冰川-冰川间期的陆地有机质(TOM)的供应和保存及其在黑色页岩古环境变化和有机质(OM)积累中的作用。V / Cr,C org / P比值和Mo–U协变量等海洋氧化还原指标表明,最早的Visean处于完全含氧的水状态,而在Visean的早期至中部则占优势的含氧,偶有亚含氧的水状态。高沉积δ 15个N个值(1.9-6.3‰)中的最早的建议增强的水柱脱氮的在扩张氧最小区域(OMZs)存在维宪,而较低δ 15在Visean早期到中期,N值(平均2.6‰)表明在OMZ减少的地区水柱反硝化作用降低。无论是有机物的组合物和C之间的关系的有机/ N比和δ 13 C ^有机值表明陆地OM在海洋沉积物中的重要贡献,而海洋OM的低丰度主要是由于低P / Ti和Ba / Al比证明了古生产力低。TOM如此之高的原因之一是,在图尔尼斯冰川时期,大量植物碎片和野火衍生的OM被保存下来,然后由于温度驱动,在Visean的冰川间期迅速释放并掩埋在海洋沉积物中冰川融化。从陆地到海洋大量TOM的快速运输可能造成大气的pCO的显着压降2和随后的凉爽的气候,如δ之间证明解耦关系13 Ç有机和δ 13C碳水化合物值。总之,海平面低位和高位期间TOM通量的下沉可能是Visean黑色页岩中古环境变化以及OM积累的控制因素。
