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The Arctic Subpolar Gyre sTate Estimate: Description and Assessment of a Data‐Constrained, Dynamically Consistent Ocean‐Sea Ice Estimate for 2002–2017
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-10 , DOI: 10.1029/2020ms002398
An T. Nguyen 1 , Helen Pillar 1 , Victor Ocaña 1 , Arash Bigdeli 1 , Timothy A. Smith 1 , Patrick Heimbach 1, 2, 3

A description and assessment of the first release of the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE_R1), a data‐constrained ocean‐sea ice model‐data synthesis, is presented. ASTE_R1 has a nominal resolution of 1/3° and spans the period 2002–2017. The fit of the model to an extensive (O(109)) set of satellite and in situ observations was achieved through adjoint‐based nonlinear least squares optimization. The improvement of the solution compared to an unconstrained simulation is reflected in misfit reductions of 77% for Argo, 50% for satellite sea surface height, 58% for the Fram Strait mooring, 65% for Ice Tethered Profilers, and 83% for sea ice extent. Exact dynamical and kinematic consistency is a key advantage of ASTE_R1, distinguishing the state estimate from existing ocean reanalyses. Through strict adherence to conservation laws, all sources and sinks within ASTE_R1 can be accounted for, permitting meaningful analysis of closed budgets at the grid‐scale, such as contributions of horizontal and vertical convergence to the tendencies of heat and salt. ASTE_R1 thus serves as the biggest effort undertaken to date of producing a specialized Arctic ocean‐ice estimate over the 21st century. Transports of volume, heat, and freshwater are consistent with published observation‐based estimates across important Arctic Mediterranean gateways. Interannual variability and low frequency trends of freshwater and heat content are well represented in the Barents Sea, western Arctic halocline, and east subpolar North Atlantic. Systematic biases remain in ASTE_R1, including a warm bias in the Atlantic Water layer in the Arctic and deficient freshwater inputs from rivers and Greenland discharge.



介绍和评估了北极次极地回旋态估计值(ASTE _ R1)的首次发布,这是一种受数据约束的海洋-海冰模型-数据综合。ASTE _ R1的标称分辨率为1/3°,跨度2002-2017年。通过基于伴随的非线性最小二乘优化,可以使模型与大量(O(10 9))卫星和原位观测值拟合。与无约束的模拟相比,解决方案的改进体现在Argo的失配减少率降低了77%,卫星海面高度的失配率降低了58%,Fram Strait系泊设备的失配率降低了58%,Ice Tethered Profiler的失配率降低了65%,海冰的失配率降低了83%程度。精确的动力学和运动学一致性是ASTE的主要优势_R1,将状态估计值与现有的海洋再分析区分开来。通过严格遵守保护法律,可以考虑ASTE _ R1中的所有源和汇,从而可以对网格规模的封闭预算进行有意义的分析,例如水平和垂直收敛对热量和盐分趋势的贡献。ASTE _因此,R1是迄今为止在21世纪产生专门的北极海冰估算值时所做的最大努力。数量,热量和淡水的运输与重要的北极地中海通道之间基于观测的估计值一致。在巴伦支海,北极西部北极圈和东亚极北大西洋中,淡水和热量含量的年际变化和低频趋势得到了很好的体现。系统性偏差仍然存在于ASTE _ R1中,包括北极大西洋水层中的温暖偏差以及河流和格陵兰河排放的淡水输入不足。